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Practice Makes Perfect, or, In Rodman's Case, It Was the Perfect Practice

Former University of Washington standout James Edwards didn't know about his NBA teammate's practice-court antics. He could tell you more about the Worm and Madonna.
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Dennis Rodman, all of a sudden, makes the idea of basketball practice all that more exciting.  

In the wake of the latest episodes of the "Last Dance" documentary about Michael Jordan, Rodman stole the spotlight and the headlines, at least for a day, with the tantalizing disclosure that he conducted his own customized workout session with a seductress.

Who needs a full-court scrimmage and wind sprints?

Shirts and skins?

No, just skins.

Dennis apparently went one-on-one in a most unusual place with Carmen Electra, the model, actress, TV personality and briefly his wife, which you can read about here on Sports Illustrated's national site.

They got after it on the Chicago Bulls' practice court.

Went into overtime.

There was no clear winner.

All of this came as somewhat of a surprise to James Edwards, the former University of Washington basketball player, Rodman teammate with both the Bulls and the Detroit Pistons, and someone who doesn't surprise all that easily.

"When I played with him with the Pistons, he was just Dennis," said Edwards, who played alongside Rodman for five seasons "Pretty calm. Didn't drink. When we went out, we wouldn't even have a beer. Now he drinks all the time."

Rodman, known as the Worm, has always been this ever-changing chameleon, continually adding to his nose rings, tattoos and sordid reputation, even well after his pro basketball retirement.

While Edwards wasn't privy to Rodman's dedicated practice-court moments with Electra, he remembers Dennis' days chasing around with Madonna, a Michigan native and a demanding temptress.

"I remember him hanging out with Madonna and that was more wild," Edwards said. "I heard she was really bossy. If you didn't call her back, she would get really pissed."

Especially if Madonna found out she wasn't getting the same practice-court privileges as Electra.