Watch: Are College Coaches More Like NFL General Managers Now?
As more players turn to the transfer portal in college football, coaches find their traditional roles changing. Already recruiters, they're pursue older players with almost a professional approach.
They need to know veteran rosters now, not just recruiting lists.
"It's not necessarily best available" said Pac-12 Network's Yogi Roth, "but for where this program is from Coach Petersen to Jimmy Lake taking it over it's more GM style, and now even more so it's identifying talent in the future."
Similar to the NFL, players build relationships with multiple teams and their coaching staffs. When a player chooses one team over the other, there's more of a chance it will be a temporary home.
Husky Maven’s Kaila Olin poised the question, “How important do you think it’s going to be to more amicably part ways when it isn’t your team that being picked?”
"I think that's the smart thing to do as a coach, is to stay connected, part amicably," Roth said. "And, also as a coach, to understand this is hard for kids."
While college football may be a stepping stone for players to the National Football League, the reality is that the two levels of football are not really that different.
The college players more resemble free agents and the head coaches look like GMs.
For the complete discussion, check out the full interview in the video above.