Neal Brown Makes Statement on Latest Events
Moments ago, West Virginia head football coach Neal Brown made a statement released by the university regarding the situation regarding defensive coordinator Vic Koenning and sophomore safety Kerry Martin Jr.
Mountaineer Family, I come to you tonight sick about today's events.
Earlier today, Kerry Martin expressed his voice and he had every right to do so. I first learned about Kerry's stated concerns via Twitter. I care deeply about everyone involved and have waited to speak publicly so that I could first speak with Kerry, Vic, the team, and our administration.
After speaking with Kerry, I took immediate action. Along with Shane and his team, we launched an independent investigation. I spoke with all parties involved, the defense as a unit and the team as a whole. I again emphasized to our team that our program culture will be one of acceptance, respect, tolerance, and positive relationships. I stressed to our team and staff that we will be open and transparent throughout the University process.
I will refrain from further conversation or comment about these issues until the University process is complete. I ask everyone to be patient as we work through this process as quickly as possible. We will listen, learn and grow from this together, as a family, to become even more united.
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