Shane Lyons Optimistic Student-Athletes Will Have Summer Workouts

West Virginia athletic director Shane Lyons is optimistic that student-athletes will have summer workouts

Morgantown, WV - West Virginia athletic director Shane Lyons met with the media Wednesday morning via the Zoom app. Lyons addressed many topics, however, much like his interview with Tony Caridi Tuesday evening, there isn’t much to go off of other than what we already know.

Lyons does feel optimistic student-athletes will participate in summer workouts and better yet, that football season will start on time and that’s the plan they’re currently working on at this time. Of course, that can all change and what has been stated before by many officials across the landscape is everything is essentially on the table but for now, it's one step at a time.

So, the athletic department is operating on the basis that student-athletes will be going through summer conditioning to prepare for the upcoming season. There is no set date in mind but currently, the Big 12 has suspended activities through May 31st.

The devil is always in the details and there is plenty to go over but until the COVID-19 starts to subside, it’s a waiting game. 

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Christopher Hall

Member of the Football Writers Association of America, U.S. Basketball Writers Association and National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association.