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Sporting News Ranks Neal Brown Well Ahead of Dana Holgorsen in Coach Rankings

Neal Brown considered one of the top young coaches in college football

Although a 5-7 season made a blemish to West Virginia head coach Neal Brown's career record, the rest of the country knows what he had to work with and still believes he is a solid up and coming head coach.

Recently, Sporting News ranked all 130 FBS coaches and Neal Brown checked in at No. 37, while former West Virginia head coach Dana Holgorsen, who is now at Houston, was slated at No. 90.

Considering the circumstances, notching five wins in 2019 is pretty remarkable. No, it isn't a record to brag about, but they hung in with some of the best teams in the Big 12 through three quarters and just fell apart in the fourth quarter due to a lack of depth. The Mountaineers are expecting to take a small step in the right direction in 2020 and it all begins with getting bowl eligible.

As for Holgorsen, he endured a dismal first season in Houston. His starting quarterback, among a few others, decided to sit out the season and transfer, which caused the Cougars to fall to a 4-8 record.

Do you think Neal Brown's ranking is about right? Do you think he should be higher or lower? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

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