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What Texas Tech HC Matt Wells had to Say About WVU

Texas Tech head coach Matt Wells spoke with the media on Tuesday about the upcoming game vs West Virginia.

WVU's 2-QB system

"They've got two different skill sets. Neal does a really good job of swapping them in and out and calling plays for both of them. Greene can run, but Doege is the starter, at least as of right now he is. Neal has done a really nice job with both of those guys and obviously to me, it doesn't look like it's interrupting the whole flow of their offense. Greene comes in the ball game and they run the ball with him but they still throw it. I think it does present challenges to your defense because they're a little bit different."

QB Henry Colombi having success vs WVU last year

"Yeah, I think that helps and that'll give Henry some confidence. There's a few new players and they've been a really good defense in my opinion for the last three years. They've done a really nice job of sticking to who they are and they're very sound fundamentally."

WVU's red zone defense

"They're good. They're going to try to make you run it in and then throw it vs max drop coverage."

WVU's strength defensively

"The d-line is the strength of their defense. They're good. They played very well in Norman last weekend. I mean, 12, 90, 55 - 10, and 8 on the edge, that's the strength of their defense. They've got safeties back, the backers played against us last year when Tony [Fields] got targeting and he had to leave the game. They've got a lot of experience in the back end in the DB's. But I think the strength of the defense is the d-line. They're very active."

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