Here’s one more use for the IKEA Frakta bag: A surprising workout tool

Reebok trainer Andrew Connor shows how you can use a few Frakta bags and a medicine ball or weights to get in a serious workout.
Here’s one more use for the IKEA Frakta bag: A surprising workout tool
Here’s one more use for the IKEA Frakta bag: A surprising workout tool /

People have managed to turn the iconic IKEA Frakta bag into boots, wallets and even crop tops, and now Reebok trainer Andrew Connor is demonstrating how they can be exercise tools as well.

Just grab a few Frakta bags, and a medicine ball or weights—and you can work up a serious sweat.

1. Plastic Bag Push Press


Add weights (or any heavy object) to two bags to do this move. With bags in hand, rest the weight on your shoulders with both palms facing inward toward your head. Press straight up until both arms are fully extended with bags in hand. Lower arms back down toward your shoulders, slightly bending your knees as your hands reach your shoulders. Use the momentum to drive back up into a fully extended arm position.

2. Plastic Bag Row


For this you’ll need a pull-up bar. Swing the bag over the bar so both handles hang from either side. With arms outstretched, grab both handles and pull yourself up until your chest reaches your hands. Extend arms to lower yourself back down.

3. Ladder Hopscotch


Lay out the bags in a ladder design on the ground. Start at the bottom of the ladder and jump over each bag, switching from left side to right side.

4. Turkish Get-Up


Begin on your back with one leg bent and the other outstretched. Hold the weighted bag above your head in one hand and push with your other forearm to stand up, keeping your wrist and elbow straight. Engage your core and progress to one knee, then stand.

5. Handstand Plastic Pushup


Lay the bag on the ground as your head rests against a wall. Place your hands on the ground and kick up to a full handstand against the wall. Then push up so arms are fully extended, and bring them back down.

6. Lunges


Pick up the bags and lift them up, over, and behind your shoulders in a back rack position. Keeping your upper body straight and your core engaged, step forward with one leg until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Make sure that your front knee is directly above your ankle while your back knee does not touch the floor. Keeping the weight in your heels, push forward and swing the back leg into the lunge position to switch to the other leg.

7. Deadlift


Plant your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees and grab the bags (with added weights) while straightening your back and lifting your chest. Keep the bags over your mid-foot. Hold the bags and stand up with the weight, keeping the bags lightly in contact with your legs through the entire pull. Keep your chest lifted and your back straight throughout. Keeping the bags in contact with your body, bring them back to the floor.

8. Plastic Bag Back Squat


Pick up the bags and lift them up, over, and behind your shoulders into a back rack position. Keep your weight on your heels, with your feet hip-width apart and toes facing slightly outward. Make sure your torso is held upright and shoulders are pulled back. Bend your knees and push your butt and hips out and down behind you, keeping your weight on your heels and assuring that your knees are over your toes, but not beyond them. Come down until your thighs are below parallel, or as close as you can get to parallel. Then, return to the standing motion.

9. Plastic Bag Twists


Begin in the sit-up position, knees up, with core engaged. Place a few folded bags on either side. With your feet off the ground, move your arms and torso from side-to-side alternating sides, moving bags from one side to the other.

10. Plastic Bag Swing


Plant your feet shoulder-width apart, with both hands grasping the Frakta bag straps between your legs, your torso near parallel to the ground. Slightly bend your knees and engage your ab and back muscles. Swing the bag (with weights) until it reaches eye level. Let the bag swing back between your legs, then drive your hips forward to swing the bag up to eye level.

11. Plastic Bag to Bar


Put a medicine ball in the bag. Grab the bar while the medicine ball is in between your ankles. Use your arms to help pull up your legs until the medicine ball reaches eye level.

12. Shopping Bag Hops


Place the bag on the ground with a medicine ball or other item to weigh it down. Begin in a crouching position on one side of the bag. Then push up from the ground so you’re almost fully straight and hop over the bag to the other side.

This article originally appeared on
