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Threat Level Event is Nothing But Recolors and Players are Upset.

  • Apex Legends next ‘event’ Threat Level is actually just a store event with nothing but recolored skins from the past.
  • Players are upset with the lack of real updates following the launch of Season 17 and a broken new ranked system.
  • The headlining game mode ‘Control’ voted on by the community, is still suffering from an egregious spawn bug.

Apex Legends and Respawn Entertainment find themselves drawing ire from the battle royale player base after the release of a new store sale event. The Threat Level Event, complete with its own trailer, really isn’t an event at all. When players think of events, they think of Collection Events that come with limited time, exclusive cosmetics and some type of new game mode. The Threat Level event is nothing but a sale in the in-game store.

Threat Level Store Sale

Store sales like this don’t normally get entire trailers dedicated to them and it may be the last time given the negative reception fans have given it on social media. All of the skins in the store event are recolors of previously released skins, being sold for the same amount as a new skin. To make matters even worse, every skin is also using the same color palette.

Out of Control

To add insult to injury, one of the things Respawn and Apex Legends did to set this event ‘apart’ was to allow the community to vote on which Limited Time Mode they wanted for the event. The expectation was, whichever event won (Control, Team Deathmatch or Gun Run) would receive new rules and game mode.

Instead, the winning mode simply gets a highlight spot so it’s available 24 hours a day for the two week duration of the sale. And a new game mode will take its spot in the Mixtape playlist. To make matters even worse, Control mode, which won the poll, is still suffering an egregious bug.

This bug makes it impossible for some players to spawn on zones captured by their team and instead must spawn in the default zone every single time. It can be frustrating as a player to try and win in a competitive environment when you are at a permanent and random disadvantage.

Recolors, Recolors, Recolors…

This isn’t the first time that Apex Legends and Respawn have launched an event that was nothing but recolors. What makes it such a slap in the face to players is that in an interview with Dexerto back in February, game director Steven Ferreira said they heard the players complaints when it comes to recolors.

He said, “100% seen the feedback. We’ve heard loud and clear.” Going on to say, “But we learned some lessons. You won’t see that collection event reward again, I can pretty much guarantee that. The intent is always to do something players enjoy and see value in, definitely not trying to upset anyone.”

The senior design director Evan Nikolich also said, “We want people to feel good about the money they spend, to feel good to get something new, not cheap.”

But this is the second event since this interview dominated by recolors and players of the game definitely do not feel good about it.

What About the Real Problems?

Could it get any worse for Apex Legends at this point and the answer is…yea, it can. This is a very bad look for the game only a handful of weeks after launching a brand new season with Arsenal. One that is not without its own issues.

Players are lamenting over a broken ranked system that rewards players for not even playing while also matching low level ranks with the highest ranked players in the entire game. There was hope that the new MMR system would slowly work itself out, but that doesn’t seem to be the case and Respawn has been radio silent on the matter.