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Call of Duty League Player Profile: Colt "Havok" McLendon Interview

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Known for his aggressive playstyle, Havok is one of the better slayers in the Call of Duty League. He started his professional gaming career in 2015 and played for several teams before joining the Florida Mutineers in 2029. He has competed in multiple Call of Duty titles, including Infinite Warfare, WWII, and Black Ops 4.

Throughout his career, Havok has earned several accolades, including MVP awards and All-Star honors. But the MW2 season has been one of the toughest seasons of his career.

We sat down with Havok to talk about why he chose to step back from competing for the time being, Search and Destroy strategy, and who would be his dream duo.

How do you feel the season (MW2) has been going so far for you?

I would say this year has been really difficult. Especially after such a good year last year for me. It was probably actually one of my worst years, not individually, but more overall. A little bit individually and then a little bit with the team. We haven't found a lot of success either. I think a big thing with chemistry; I've been thinking about this a lot this year, and like throughout my career, I had the wrong idea. I was always like, why are people playing with their friends and stuff? This year I kind of understood it more. We were all living in Florida, and we didn't really hang out; I feel like a lot of the team didn't. When it comes to outside of the game, I think that kind of affects inside of the game chemistry. Then, obviously, with the roster change, we made a ton this year, so it was hard just to build that overall. Then dropping someone and bringing someone back in, there are kind of weird emotions that go along with that and then obviously dropping someone and not bringing them back, you can lose some friendships, which happen as well. It's been weird with the whole chemistry thing. I wish we could have found a good vibe from the start and not had to make any roster changes, and I think it would have gone a lot better.

What's your favorite sport?

My favorite sport to watch would be football. I've recently gotten into fantasy football, so it's been really fun. It keeps me more engaged than just watching and like gives me more of a reason to watch to the point where I'm like buying live TV services, like Red Zone, for example. Recreational I like running now. I've been getting into long-distance running. For the past year and a half or maybe two years on and off, I'm trying to get my weekly mileage up, and I've been learning a lot about form and recovering from injuries cause I struggled with shin splints at first but running has been really fun. One day I wanna do a marathon.

Let's talk a little Search and destroy strategy. You're on the attack, and you need to plant the bomb. You got your three teammates with you. What is the strategy going into that round (Fortress)?

If you're on offense, I think the best strategy to win an offense would be to get the bomb down, and then, if you've been teaming for a while, you probably have post-plant setups. So you'd get into your post-plant setup, and you'd wait for the enemy to try to retake you. And more than likely, you're going to win if you get the bomb down and no one has died yet. The best post-plant setup is we would get the bomb down, and you can play on-site or off-site, but it's probably better or safer to play off-site. But playing near the open and closed arches has high-risk high-reward. You'll probably find one or two. Basically, we would get control of P4, which is top dark, top railing. And then you'd have a guy lurk around there, and then you'd have a guy play the back either behind the 18 Wheeler or behind the logs. The logs are common. You might need a trophy system. And then you have one guy watching the flank through P1 street. That's like a decent setup for sure.

Alright, now we're defending. What's that strategy going to be like?

For Fortress, it's such an offensive-sided map. If they get the bomb down and they get out, you're pretty much going to lose. Taking early risks early on in the round is really good, but it can't be too obvious. You can't just like climb up top dubs or climb up top single. A fast triple pinch is always good. Double hit the bottom door, Even solo hitting it. It's about making plays early on defense unless you wanna risk it and play slow and try to retake with grenades. Maybe it's like a round-one defense, and they don't have trophies. You can definitely play slow.

Who has been your biggest supporter throughout your career?

Throughout my entire career, my mom has been my biggest supporter for sure. And then close seconds would have to be my brother and my girlfriend. We've been together for almost 6 years now, and she came into my life in Infinite Warfare. I was at the bottom of my career in WWII the next year, and she was supporting me since then. So it's been a journey with her. And then my mom, she went to the very first event that I went to, which was Ghost in Dallas. That's what I grew up playing on. My mom went to that event, and she thought it was going to be some sketchy basement, you know, typical mom thoughts when it comes to gaming events, and she fell in love immediately. So she's been my biggest supporter since then.

What Call of Duty League player, past or present, and someone you haven’t teamed with, would you like to be your duo?

I'll give you 2 answers. Someone I have teamed with someone, but not in the league or at any professional level, that would be my number one pick to team with 100%, and that's Kismet. We mesh really well as a sub-duo. He's my favorite person to team with, for sure. I would say him and then someone that I haven't played with; I'll give you a different role too. I would want to play with Clayster. I've always wanted to play with Clay. Actually, before I started competing, he released a video of his story on how he went pro. I watched that s**t, and I was like, “Dude, I gotta go pro.” And then I ended up going pro. But I never got the opportunity to team with Clay. I almost did in Vanguard, but it kind of fell through with the New York situation. I would say, other than Kismet, definitely would want to team with Clayster.