How Deadlock's MMR System Works

Let's examine if Deadlock has an MMR system and how it may work.
Many Deadlock players say they are in 'Top 0.1%' MMR lobbies — but is there any way to verify these claims?
Many Deadlock players say they are in 'Top 0.1%' MMR lobbies — but is there any way to verify these claims? / Valve

Deadlock is steadily growing in popularity. Though the game is still in a limited test, it's attracting a community of competitive players with one major question: does Deadlock have MMR? Let's find out if Deadlock has MMR to track competitive play, and how the Deadlock MMR system may work.

Does Deadlock Have MMR?

Deadlock does have MMR, but it is hidden. This means a player's Matchmaking Rank (MMR) will impact which matches they enter, but players cannot identify or track their MMR through any stats. This fact is unfortunate for streamers who claim to be in a 'top 0.1% lobby,' as they have no way to back up their claims. Valve has also banned third-party tools including Deadlock Tracker from using the game's data to determine MMR rankings.

Deadlock Bebop hero image
Bebop has a stronger yet still not ideal 48.15% win rate. / Valve

Related Article: Deadlock — Best Heroes for New Players

How does Deadlock MMR work?

Valve has not publicly disclosed exactly how the game's MMR system works. However, the community generally theorizes that it is hero-based, meaning a player will have separate MMR rankings for each hero they play. For example, a player could have a high MMR when playing Seven but a poor MMR on Paradox. Developers on the game's discord have confirmed that Deadlock's MMR includes hero-based and lane-based elements. One developer on the discord, who goes by Yoshi, also revealed that the team plans to rework the MMR system, as it "doesn't work very well [at the moment]."

Gabby DeSena