No One Should Pick These Deadlock Heroes

These Deadlock heroes have the lowest win rates in the entire game — let's explore why.
Grey Talon is one of the Deadlock heroes with the most disappointing win rates.
Grey Talon is one of the Deadlock heroes with the most disappointing win rates. / Valve

As Deadlock skyrockets in popularity, players are finding their favorite heroes and identifying preferred builds and strategies. If you've ever been curious which heroes are the most popular, today's your lucky day: a new website is displaying stats including pick rates, player statistics and hero win rates. After a massive recent patch, the Deadlock meta is shaking up more than ever before.

The Worst Heroes in Deadlock:

  • Vindicta
  • Paradox
  • Grey Talon
  • Viscous
  • Bebop

#1: Vindicta, 44.04%

Deadlock Vindicta character selection screen
Vindicta has the worst win rate of all Deadlock heroes. / Valve

Vindicta has one of the highest Deadlock pick rates of any Hero at 85.00%. This witch's elegant and fearsome aesthetic immediately attracted a base of players upon Deadlock's limited launch. She's a familiar face in-game and is well-known for her mobility — but unfortunately, her win rate is nowhere near as high. Vindicta's overall win rate currently sits at just 44.04% and is the lowest of all Deadlock heroes.

There are many possible reasons for this disappointing statistic, but one to note is that Vindicta is one of eleven Deadlock heroes recommended as "best for new players" in the hero selection menu. Quite a few Deadlock newbies have probably picked her after seeing pros hit effortless clips and had a rude awakening.

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It's possible the influx of inexperienced players picking the hero combined with her hefty learning curve contributes to her poor win rate. Vindicta's kit also deals less damage than other heroes and requires more skillful aim and positioning.

#2: Paradox, 45.50%

Deadlock Paradox menu info
Deadlock's thief hero Paradox may be snatching wins away from teammates more often than opponents. / Valve

Paradox's win rate clocks in at 45.50% and is the second-lowest of all Deadlock heroes. Her pick rate is also quite low at only 50.45%. This notorious thief might want to steal a few more wins to supplement her stats!

Paradox thrives in early game, but she can struggle in late game fights if players don't build her correctly. Her ultimate especially is extremely powerful in early play, but declines in usefulness as the game progresses. It takes experience and developed game sense to play this hero. Her burst fire can be weak in combat, and she often relies on isolated 1v1s and poking enemies who are out of position. Paradox's lack of carry potential and ultimate might contribute to her poor win rate stats.

#3: Grey Talon, 46.79%

Grey Talon Deadlock hero menu
Grey Talon might need to go back into retirement after seeing his 46.79% win rate. / Valve

Grey Talon was hit with devastating nerfs in Deadlock's recent patch, and they may be working a little too well. He has a relatively average pick rate of 67.33%, but Grey Talon's 46.79% win rate places him as the third weakest Deadlock hero in the game.

Like Vindicta, Grey Talon's win rate is likely deflated by new players and he functions best in long-range duels. He is vulnerable in late game to heroes like Haze and Wraith, gets targeted easily and is simply too squishy to win duels in many late-game scenarios. Many Grey Talon mains also don't understand how to position to complement his long-range abilities.

While the recent nerfs damaged Grey Talon's CC and Charged Shot ability, they did give him more survivability and mid-air play potential — plus, players can create strong Spirit-based builds to supplement his movement speed and mobility.

#4: Viscous, 47.64%

Deadlock Viscous hero menu image
Let's hope Viscous can heal his ghastly 47.64% win rate soon. / Valve

Viscous' hero page says he "vexes his opponents through clever evasion and strategic uses of healing, enabling him to withstand the most brutal of enemy attacks." However, his 47.64% win rate may lead some to question exactly how many attacks Viscous is evading. This hero also has the lowest pick rate in the game at 30.49%.

Related Article: Deadlock Patch Notes: New Features and Fun Hero Changes

What exactly is preventing Viscous' win rate from being more... well, vicious? First of all, many players complain his ultimate is lacking. It can be easy to dodge and difficult to use with Deadlock's vertical-heavy gameplay. As a heavy support character, he also must interact with teammates throughout the game and simply requires more experience to play well.

Recent patch adjustments may make Viscous' kit more approachable, heighten his pick rate and slightly improve his win rate.

#5: Bebop, 48.15%

Deadlock Bebop hero image
Bebop has a stronger yet still not ideal 48.15% win rate. / Valve

Bebop is one of Deadlock's most impressive character designs with an equally awe-inspiring kit. He can use a giant laser, a hook and even bombs — but these tools might still not be enough to even out his win rate. Bebop's win rate stat sits at 48.15%: the fifth-poorest in the game. His pick rate is slightly above average at 67.94%.

Bebop is recommended for new players alongside Vindicta and Grey Talon, which certainly influences his win rate as newer players are uncertain how they can use hit kit. He is actually quite powerful if players use and combo his abilities well, but he requires practice and his late-game function heavily depends on how players perform in early-game.

Gabby DeSena