How to Get Sub-Zero's Combat Kit in Fortnite - Mortal Kombat Special Weapon


The Mortal Kombat collaboration was a surprise for Chapter 6: Season 2, but it's a welcome addition to an exciting season. Fortnite's loot pool has grown considerably, and there's even a Mortal Kombat weapon that'll freeze your enemies in a flash. The Sub-Zero skin may take a while to earn, but you can still participate in this collab at any time.

Sub-Zero's Combat Kit is a pair of gloves that you can find while looting the Chapter 6 Island. This item offers a few frosty buffs, including the ability to walk on water and a powerful flurry of martial arts moves. Overall, melee attacks simply reign supreme in Season 2. Here's everything you need to know about Sub-Zero's Combat Kit.

How Sub-Zero is Shaking Up the Meta in Fortnite

Fortnite: Season 2 Battle Pass

Sub-Zero's Combat Kit will chill your enemies to the bone. You can perform a frosty slide into your enemies for an initial burst of damage, then use a martial arts combo to defeat your enemies up close and personal. The Typhoon Blade was one of the best weapons in Season 1, so Sub-Zero's Combat Kit is the perfect replacement to continue the melee mayhem.

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Pro Esports players will want to get a feel for using and competing against Sub-Zero's Combat Kit, especially since it's common throughout the Chapter 6 Island. Watch out for opponents wielding the Kneecapper though, as it'll fling you through the air. Regardless of which special weapon you prefer using, the melee meta is truly taking over Fortnite in Chapter 6.

How to Get Sub-Zero's Combat Kit

Fortnite Sub-Zero's Combat Kit

In a surprising turn of events, Sub-Zero's Combat Kit is one of the easiest crossover items to acquire in Fortnite's history. You can find the dazzling gloves in regular chests, though rare chests offer a higher chance of dropping the Mortal Kombat trinket, plus they have better loot in general.

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Crime City has tons of chests scattered about, and the POI's vault contains multiple rare chests. Use thermite to open the vault and guns to defeat the AI guards, then open each rare chest in the back for a chance to get Sub-Zero's Combat Kit. Vaults are also a great source of healing items and ranged weapons.

How to Watch Fortnite Esports

The competitive landscape of Fortnite changes with every season. As the battle royale enters the second season of Chapter 6, more and more fans are looking to catch up on the world of Fortnite Esports. You can watch the latest clips of competitive Fortnite on the official Fortnite Twitch channel, along with livestreams of major competitions.

NEXT: 6 Best Weapons in Season 2 Loot Pool - Sub-Zero's Kit, Plasma Laser, & More

Michael Caruso

Michael Caruso is a journalist of five years who works to share his passion for gaming with the world. Throughout his career, Michael has written for various video game and news publications, focusing his writing on entertainment and the well-being of the environment. When Michael isn't writing, he can be found playing his guitar or immersed in a virtual world.