The Best NEW Drop Spots in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 - Lonewolf Lair, Crime City,


New drop spots are one of the most exciting additions in each season of Fortnite: Battle Royale. Usually, three or four new locations are added to the map per season, and Chapter 6 certainly isn't disappointing fans.

Whether you prefer the rush of ranked play or are more on the casual side of the spectrum, you'll need to know about all the drop spots introduced today to compete on a level playing field. Here are the best locations to drop in Season 2, plus how you can navigate each one effectively to secure a victory royale.

How are the New Drop Spots Affecting Competitive Fortnite?

Fortnite Pickle Skin Firing Gun

Every pro player has a favorite drop spot in Fortnite. Some fans prefer a location all to themselves, while others thrive in an active battle zone. Certain spots even have more chests than others, which is important to consider if you're dropping with your entire squad. Sub-Zero's Combat Kit is usually found within regular chests, so you should loot as many as possible.

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Due to the popularity of hot drops and the addition of vaults, most competitive players will likely prefer to land at Lonewolf Lair or Crime City. Each offers a tight layout, perfect for competitors who prefer to jump straight into the action. Lonewolf Lair is ideal for close-combat gameplay since it primarily comprises a large manor, while Crime City is a tightly-packed town with many chests to loot.

You can expect to see both of these drop spots become popular among the Esports community. Lonewolf Lair offers many twists and turns throughout its hallways, as does Crime City, so it's likely that close-range weaponry, like the Kneecapper, will become the meta in Chapter 6: Season 2.

1. Lonewolf Lair

Lonewolf Lair in Fortnite

Lonewolf Lair is the best drop spot in Season 2 if you like close combat in a tightly packed space. This mansion is contained mostly to one building, so it's fun to explore its hallways and staircases to find hidden chests. There are many chests to find throughout multiple floors, so there's no shortage of loot to collect.

In addition to the main manor, a small building on the eastern side of the location contains additional loot to grab before heading into the main house. If you're playing solo, then the most effective strategy for success at Lonewolf Lair is to pick up a few weapons in the separate building and then sneak into the manor to take down any opponents quietly.

2. Crime City

Crime City in Fortnite

Like Lonewolf Lair, Crime City contains many chests and even a vault with a few extra goodies. Each building is very close to the next, so you can use your parkour ability to traverse the rooftops. Be careful, though, as other players may hear your footsteps from beneath. Look out for Go-Bags as you explore because they contain powerful items.

A few slurp barrels are lying around, so you should break them to gain maximum shield. Crime City is currently one of the most popular places to drop, and it's the perfect spot to land if you want to get straight into a fight. Compared to other major towns in Fortnite's history, Crime City feels small, but that's only because it's so compact.

3. Shiny Shafts

Shiny Shafts in Fortnite

A unique sequel to one of the most popular locations in Fortnite, Shiny Shafts is less like Shifty Shafts than you'd expect. The outside of Shiny Shafts only contains a few buildings and chests, but there's more to this location than you can initially see.

There's a separate indoor section within a cave at the center of Shiny Shafts. With multiple entrances carved into the mountain, it's easy to access. On the inside, you'll find various levels filled with loot, plus there are numerous spots to hide, which offer the perfect opportunity to set up a surprise attack. There's also a rail system at Shiny Shafts, so you can ride them in or out of the cave to make an escape.

If you land at Shiny Shafts, you'll want to enter the giant cave to get access to as much loot as possible. Many players don't know there's a separate entrance above the cave, just atop the hill. Glide into the tiny entrance, then grab a weapon to secure your victory. Stealth is key at Shiny Shafts, especially while exploring the inside section.

4. Outlaw Oasis

Outlaw Oasis in Fortnite

Outlaw Oasis won't likely become the most popular drop spot in Chapter 6, but it does offer a few unique amenities. Unlike the other three locations added in Season 2, Outlaw Oasis is comprised of multiple buildings spread out over a large distance. The location itself isn't too big, but there's much more open space compared to Crime City and Lonewolf Lair.

Avoid the swimming pool in the middle if you don't want to get sniped. Instead, stick to looting all of the buildings while rotating on the outskirts of Outlaw Oasis to avoid being seen by enemy players. As the cherry on top, there are a few geysers nearby, which allow you to shoot up into the air to make a swift escape or outrun the circle.

How to Watch Fortnite Esports

Fortnite New Skins in Chapter 6

The competitive landscape of Fortnite changes with every season. As the battle royale enters the second season of Chapter 6, more and more fans are looking to catch up on the world of Fortnite Esports. You can watch the latest clips of competitive Fortnite on the officialFortnite Twitch channel, along with livestreams of major competitions.

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Michael Caruso

Michael Caruso is a journalist of five years who works to share his passion for gaming with the world. Throughout his career, Michael has written for various video game and news publications, focusing his writing on entertainment and the well-being of the environment. When Michael isn't writing, he can be found playing his guitar or immersed in a virtual world.