Best Standard Genn and Baku Decks

Years ago, two cards broke Hearthstone in half to the point where they were moved out of Standard before their proper rotation time. Genn Greymane and Baku the Mooneater completely warped the Hearthstone meta around them and still wreak havoc in the Wild format. But today's Hearthstone is a very different game.

With the return of Genn and Baku ahead of the new expansion Perils in Paradise, how good are the odd and even decks in the face of Reno, Death Knights, and Flood Paladins? Let's take a look at the best Genn and Baku decks in Standard in 2024.

Related Article: New Hearthstone Expansion Perils in Paradise Drops July 23

1. Standard Even Warlock

Warlock class splash art for Hearthstone

Buffing your hero power is not nearly as strong in 2024 as it was during the height of The Witchwood. However, the Warlock hero power has always been exceptionally strong since it lets you do the very best thing you can do in a card game - draw a card. Pain Warlock is already a strong deck that can move shockingly fast. While the Genn version loses some powerful cards, the consistency provided by more easily weaving hero powers into early turns may be enough to bridge the gap.

Deck code: AAECAa35Awj9xAX0yAWhkgbRnAaAngajoAbHpAbG6AYLyMIFrekF9fgF0/oF1/oF0J4GibUGnMEG3uYG7uYG8OYGAA==

2. Even Shaman


The Shaman hero power is always in a weird spot. With the right synergy, Shaman can take over a meta, but otherwise it feels like an odd button to press. However, 1-mana totems are significantly more valuable and make for much more complicated board states for your opponent. Even Shaman has been a mainstay in Wild for years, and it turns out you can create a similar deck structure in Standard.

Deck code: AAECAaoIBI31BcekBoDcBsboBg2G1ASi1ATl5AXx6AX26AX08gXjgAazjQbDjwbplQacngbBngaiswYA

3. Standard Odd Highlander Demon Hunter

Demon Hunter class splash art for Hearthstone

Shopper Demon Hunter was a menace until the nerf to Umpire's Grasp slowed it way down. The highlander variant hasn't been especially powerful in the current meta, but Baku may have been the piece it was missing all along. While the deck definitely loses some important pieces by cutting out even cards, the tempo gained by a stronger hero power appears to make up the difference. While it's unlikely that this pile of cards becomes a meta powerhouse, it may be the best option Demon Hunter has at the moment.

Deck code: AAECAea5Ax6DnwTSnwSW1ATZ0AXw7AWy9QXh+AX++AW5/gWogAbcggaFjgbIjwaplQacmgbNngbpngbLnwbIoAaAowbHpAavqAb9qAbMsQbXuAa6wQaB3Abm5gbH6AbX8wYAAA==

4. Standard Odd Warrior

Warrior class splash art for Hearthstone

Similar to Warlock, Warrior benefits more than most classes when it comes to Genn and Baku thanks to having a hero power that never really feels bad to press. While gaining four armor is a lot less impactful than drawing a card, the synergy provided by Odyn, Prime Designate may be enough to give Odd Warrior a reason to exist over the typical control decklist. In this deck, the extra armor translated directly into face damage while also granting survivability.


5. Standard Even Druid

Druid splash art for Hearthstone

Hero Power Druid is already a strong deck in the current Hearthstone Meta, but what if you could push the button more? The deck retains the core pieces to put away opponents in the long game, but it is feeling the loss of several defensive tools. In a more control meta, Even Druid could be the perfect counter. However, right now with Flood Paladin and various Hunters wreaking havoc, expect to be blown out regularly.

Deck Code: AAECAZICBvTIBa3tBdiBBsekBsboBuHrBgyR4AWp4AWj6QWn+gXx+gW7lQa8lQbanAbOngbZsQaiswb85QYA

Trent Murray

Trent has covered esports since the birth of the LCS. He also led content strategy and served as Senior Writer for The Esports Observer and Sports Business Journal, and worked on the development team for Rushdown Revolt.