Who are the Arcane Season 2 Cast in League of Legends?

Here is the lore of Arcane Season 2's most popular characters in League of Legends.

Arcane is an animated Netflix show that features many popular champions from League of Legends. While Riot has since announced plans to bring Season 1 and Season 2 into the canon of the game's backstory, their original lore has some notable differences from how they appear in Arcane. Here's a look into the original lore of the main characters in Arcane.

1. Jinx

Jinx LoL

It's unclear what turned Jinx into a volatile woman with a lust for destruction. She is known for pulling obnoxious pranks on the wealthy citizens of Piltover. As she continued, Zaun citizens were unsure whether they should call her a hero or a liability. In the game, her endgame is unknown but it doesn't seem like she's about to stop any time soon.

In Arcane: The biggest difference from the Jinx we see in League of Legends to her Arcane version is her backstory. In LoL, Jinx is just a madwoman who likes explosions. Arcane gives her a backstory that puts that madness in a whole new light.

2. Vi

Vi LoL

Vi got her start running with gangs in Zaun, a pink-haired orphan who always found herself in the middle of scraps. As an adult, Vi formed a gang of her own but a deal gone wrong led her to disappear when Zaun citizens needed her most. She became part of the Wardens working alongside Caitlyn, which shocked her friends in Zaun, but it seemed like Vi was planning to take down Jinx.

In Arcane: Vi's journey to the Wardens is a much slower burn. Her first run-in with Caitlin is as an off-the-books mission that allows her to get out of prison. LoL's version of Vi is much more on board with being a cop.

3. Caitlyn

Caitlyn LoL

While she prefers to be in nature, Caitlyn quickly learned how to fit into the world of the elite in Piltover. With a strong sense of right and wrong, Caitlyn was quick to hunt down her parents' kidnappers after a Progress Day massacre, rescuing her mom and dad in the process.

Caitlyn became a private investigator as her family dynamic changed, drawing attention from the Wardens. She quickly became a respected and high-ranked officer but a secret individual going by C has continued to watch her, waiting to strike.

In Arcane: While Caitlyn's role in the world and general personality are largely unchanged, the kidnapping of her parents doesn't come into play. Instead, Caitlyn is the archetypal rogue cop who thinks outside the box and understands who the real threat is behind the chaos happening in Zaun.

4. Ekko

Ekko LoL

Born a genius, Ekko's parents continued to work hard in Zaun in hopes of giving him a full life in Piltover. But over the years, Ekko became enamored with Zaun's culture and chaos, befriending the "Lost Children of Zaun."

During one of their outings, he found a hextech artifact only heard of in legends. He began madly tinkering with it, ultimately leading to an accident that created "echoes" of himself. Powerful people in both Zaun and Piltover caught wind of Ekko's abilities and intelligence, but he only wants to help his people on the bottom climb to the top.

In Arcane: Ekko had not discovered his time travel-esque abilities yet in Season 1, so we don't yet know how close they will adhere to the character's original concept. Arcane also makes his desire to help the people of Zaun more intense as he is the leader of a resistance group actively pushing back against the oppression of Piltover.

5. Jayce

Jayce LoL

Inventor Jayce is determined to protect Piltover at all cost, using his transforming hextech hammer to keep his people safe. His personality is often described as arrogant since he most things come so naturally to him. The only one who seemed to understand him and match his wits was Viktor.

The two created a mechanized construction suit for Piltover’s dockworkers. He later heard Viktor had a secret project in Zaun, where Viktor had left after a massive fallout with Jayce. But this plan seemed to include turning people into zombies and they had a massive fight. Now, Jayce knows Viktor is out there somewhere waiting for revenge.

In Arcane: Hextech is unheard of in Piltover at the start of the series. Rather than simply harnessing the magics of the world, Jayce is actually the one who discovers hextech, forever changing the fate of both Piltover and Zaun.

6. Viktor

Viktor LoL

Viktor grew up in Zaun and continued to see chaos and destruction. He started to realize that it was often due to human error, however, and started to pursue the evolution of technology. That's when his journey led him to Jayce up in Piltover. While their suit improved work efficiency, many wearers said they saw phantom corpses of divers.

Back in Zaun, many citizens saw Viktor as a sort of messiah for his augmentation work. He recruited many of these people to experiment on but it often went wrong, which led to their zombie-like state. He felt he needed the hextech from Jayce's lab to save the citizens and create his true vision of a Glorious Revolution.

In Arcane: Season 1 is effectively Viktor's origin story. The metal monstrosity with the extra laser arm is nowhere to be seen. Instead, the story follows a timid scientist tempted by the promise of hextech into taking risks that will likely lead him to become the villain League of Legends fans know and love.

7. Singed

Singed LoL

Singed grew up as an ordinary man in Piltover, intelligent and curious as a child. But as he started experimenting and researching, he looked down on the hextech's magic. His refusal to use it led to his funding drying up and he moved to Zaun to continue his research.

He was approached to create a weapon that could help win the war against Ionia. This became his main focus and he started melding man, animal, and machine. His ability to transform flesh has made him respected and feared in his community.

In Arcane: Singed is effectively an easter egg in season 1. The person we know to become the poisonous madman only appears as a mentor to Viktor, working on strange experiments inside a cave in Zaun. He will have a much greater role to play in season 2.

8. Heimerdinger

Heimerdinger LoL

A brilliant yordle scientist, Heimerdinger (or Professor Cecil B. Heimerdinger) is one of the most innovative inventors in Piltover. He thrives on answering the universe's most mysterious questions and aims to share that knowledge with everyone.

In Arcane: Heimerdinger's personality differs a surprising amount from what his in-game voice lines express. Arcane Heimerdinger is a slow, methodical scientist and an important politician. He spends a lot of time talking about responsibility when it comes to scientific advancement. LoL's original take on Heimerdinger leaned far more into the mad scientist archetype, more of a reckless inventor who loves building weapons.

Olivia Richman


Olivia is a long-time esports journalist and editor who covers just about every game but has a deep love for the FGC. Her goal is to find community-driven stories that bring a new perspective to the esports scene. In the past, she has worked for Team Liquid, Rogue, Inven Global, Dot Esports, Upcomer, and more. Outside of esports, Olivia enjoys Kirby, Pokemon TCG, Fallout, and writing science fiction. She can be found trying out new foods, traveling, or hanging out with her two orange cats.  Fun fact: Olivia can do some video game and cartoon impressions!