Get to Know Aurora: Splash Art, Abilities, Lore Revealed

She's more than bunny ears and thighs.

Splash art of upcoming League of Legends champion Aurora has been revealed, showing a first look at the whimsical mage.

Ever since Aurora was announced as the next champion, League of Legends players have been speculating about her abilities and appearance. Hints and teasers further painted a possible picture of the 168th champion.

Excitement fills the air as League of Legends fans eagerly await the arrival of Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds. Curiosity and speculation swirl in the community as hints and teasers about this enigmatic champion surface.

In the short, fans got their first look at Aurora. The blue eyes, freckles, giant mage hat, ginger hair, and bunny ears had League of Legends players instantly drawn in. Then it was the hints at her abilities that kept fans curious, including a fiery spell spreading from her outstretched hand and some narration that hints at some vision-related powers. 

From the announcement, League of legends players started speculating how the Witch Betwen Worlds will work in-game. The spirit theme had many assuming she'd be a midlane mage with some type of ability to see gameplay elements in a new way. Others wondered if she will be able to summon spirits or other useful guardians to aid her on the Rift. 

Aurora Splash Art Revealed

On June 20, we were given our first look at Aurora splash art, which shows her in the more typical League of Legends in-game style instead of the cartoon look of the teaser. 

According to Sheep Esports, this is actually not the final splash art design and fans should expect a few changes before Riot releases the final version in a few hours. 

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The design has been hit or miss with fans. Some League of Legends players found it quite lazy, commenting how she looked like every other "boring attractive person" with random bunny ears placed on her head. But a lot of fans felt differently, saying they couldn't wait to see the fan art created for Aurora. And when we say fan art, we mean inappropriate and possibly furry fan art. 

We can't say we're surprised. 

Aurora Reveal Shared By Riot

Earlier today, content creators gave more information on Aurora's story, appearance, and abilities. Aurora's character is "based on autism," Necrit claimed. She leaves her village to learn more about the spirit realm, which requires her to use witchcraft, a new type of magic.

She was revealed to be a solo laner that can be top or mid. Aurora can be played as a skirmisher or assassin based on her abilities, even a magic carry. She has a three-hit passive that increases magic damage taken by a target. She also has poking tools and the ability to summon spirit friends. Spirits deal damage to enemies you hit as they come back to you.

Her W is a stealth, which has some fans concerned. She jumps through a portal to the spirit realm. There's a delay, however, so enemies are able to catch her before she goes into steal. She can also juke people by jumping in one direction but landing in another. What has people worried, however, is that her stealth has a reset on takedowns.

Aurora's E deals damage in a line that slows hit enemies and she simultaneously hops back, creating some much-needed distance. Her ultimate is an AOE that opens a spirit arena that gives her more speed. You can get through the arena's walls but will be damaged.

Aurora is easy to pick up but she will be very devastating in the hands of a skilled player. She is very squishy, so you'll need to jump in and attack carefully, using your mobility to avoid incoming damage.

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Olivia Richman


Olivia is a long-time esports journalist and editor who covers just about every game but has a deep love for the FGC. Her goal is to find community-driven stories that bring a new perspective to the esports scene. In the past, she has worked for Team Liquid, Rogue, Inven Global, Dot Esports, Upcomer, and more. Outside of esports, Olivia enjoys Kirby, Pokemon TCG, Fallout, and writing science fiction. She can be found trying out new foods, traveling, or hanging out with her two orange cats.  Fun fact: Olivia can do some video game and cartoon impressions!