Why Wild Rift Won't Come to Console

After announcing 2XKO and VALORANT Console's recent release, Riot Games speaks out on why its League of Legends hit won't follow in their footsteps. Here's everything we know.
Despite League of Legends: Wild Rift's success on mobile, it will not receive a console version anytime soon.
Despite League of Legends: Wild Rift's success on mobile, it will not receive a console version anytime soon. / Riot Games

The League of Legends universe is undergoing a renaissance. The past year has rejuvenated discussion about and interaction with the game after esports legend Faker's fourth World Championship win, Riot Games' introduction of the Hall of Legends, Arcane's Season 2 announcement and constant (yet at times controversial) patch and bundle releases. PC League of Legends is not the only game in the franchise that benefits: League of Legends: Wild Rift and Teamfight Tactics are also receiving love.

Riot Games is even expanding with a new fighting game and console versions of other beloved titles — so the community is a bit shocked after a recent announcement revealed that the company does not plan to bring Wild Rift to Console any time soon. Here's everything we know about the decision and the community discourse surrounding it.

What is League of Legends: Wild Rift?

League of Legends Wild Rift google play image official
League of Legends: Wild Rift's Google Play listing displays the app's gameplay. / Riot Games

League of Legends: Wild Rift is a 5-v-5 Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game set in the beloved League of Legends universe. It is a mobile game available on both Android and iOS systems. Riot Games is the title's publisher. Wild Rift is essentially the same gameplay experience as traditional League of Legends though alterations (shorter respawn times, a smaller map and greater gold gain) help it adapt to the faster-paced mobile platform. Riot Games released Wild Rift in October 2020, and the game was immediately a success.

Why was there speculation Wild Rift would come to console?

Though its main draws are PC versions of League of Legends, VALORANT, and Teamfight Tactics, Riot Games is no stranger to mobile and console expansion. Wild Rift's replication of the tried-and-true League of Legends gameplay formula to mobile proved the title could migrate to different platforms and maintain its appeal. To further that point, Riot Games is promoting an upcoming 2.5D fighting game, 2XKO, set in the League of Legends universe with playable Champions including Darius, Ahri, Ekko, Yasuo and Illaoi. In addition, the developer recently opened VALORANT Console's limited beta and is teasing a mobile VALORANT version.

As so many Riot Games franchises have expansion on the horizon, fans naturally assumed League of Legends: Wild Rift was next... that is, until an ominous announcement.

What has Riot Games stated about a console version of Wild Rift?

On June 17, 2024, League of Legends: Wild Rift's Executive Producer David Xu, known online as @PapaSmoothie, took to Twitter.com with surprising news. Mr. Xu revealed that "[the Wild Rift team is] not pursuing a console launch at this moment." Furthermore, Xu states: "This was a deliberate decision to prioritize mobile investments over maintaining and trying to balance development between mobile and consoles." In the announcement, he elaborates that while genres like fighting games (2XKO) and shooters (VALORANT) have existing popularity on consoles, it would be difficult to appeal to console users with a MOBA game like Wild Rift and there is not a large enough target market.

The decision has disappointed fans but is in line with the developer's recent business decisions. Riot Games previously underwent layoffs in January 2024, which forced the company to reallocate its resources and prioritize some developments over others. In addition, VALORANT's and Riot Games' overall presence in China and Southeast Asia is expanding rapidly — mobile gaming is massively popular in this region while console participation lags far behind.

While the news is disheartening, Mr. Xu reassures Wild Rift enthusiasts that the game's mobile version will continue to receive careful attention. Specifically, he says:

"This decision will allow us to remain focused on delivering new experiences and expanding on the things you are currently enjoying for the mobile platform. We're excited about our plans for the rest of this year. Currently we are looking into matchmaking, queue times, and game balance. Longer term we are looking to address basic mobile experiences such as login, download, and network stability."

The community seems to appreciate Mr. Xu's transparency and is excited about future developments, yet the aura of disappointment is real. One user @SaloBenacerraf writes with an apt emoticon, "Horrible day to exist :(". Another user, @MightyMorphinn, comments "The game is in a terrible state, it lacks a player base that makes the matchmaking extremely unbalanced [...] Please bring WR to console."

On a more uplifting note, Mr. Xu is responsive to concerns about player base size and has responded to a tweet requesting stronger Wild Rift advertising. It seems Riot Games does intend to advertise the game, as Xu asks in his reply for recommendations to send the Wild Rift marketing team.

While cross-platform expansion may not be in the cards, Riot Games will continue to support mobile Wild Rift with care and attempt to unravel community issues. Stay tuned for more League of Legends and esports updates, and see you on the Rift!

Gabby DeSena