How to Play Eldritch Comp in TFT Set 12

An in-depth guide on how to play the Eldritch trait in TFT Set 12

The new Teamfight Tactics expansion, TFT Set 12: Magic n'Mayhem brought in a ton of new and exciting traits and comps into the game for players to explore. But one of the most played traits has been Eldritch.

By looking at data from and by using analysis of EI's TFT expert, we have an in-depth guide on what the Eldritch trait does, how to navigate the early, mid and Late game as well as what tech options are avalilable. Here is an in depth TFT Set 12 Eldritch guide.

This article is part of a partnership with MetaTFT. All rankings and strategies are created using data from MetaTFT

Win Condition

The Eldritch win condition revolves around hitting the seven-piece vertical trait in order to summon The Thousand-Pierced Bear onto the board to act as a big body that also does big damage. The bear’s job is to buy time and chunk the enemy team in order for the Edlitch carries to finish enemies off. As for carry of choice, Eldritch has many different options depending on the meta-game. There are the duo of Syndra and Nilah the former being a magic damage reroll option while the latter is an attack damage reroll option.

For a more traditional carry, Nami is a fantastic option on the magic damage front as a four-cost carry while the main star of the show is Briar being a “do it all” attack damage star.

Early Game

Level 5 Eldritch Board

The early game is fairly simple, Players will want to activate the three-piece trait early which will give them a significant advantage during Stage 2. Since the Eldritch summon scales on star level getting the one and two-cost champions to two-star will do wonders for winning rounds although do not use gold to reroll for them.

Ideally, on Level 5, players will have the five low-cost Eldritch champions of Ashe, Elise, Nilah, Syndra and Mordekaiser. This is the dream set up.

Mid Game

Eldritch board on Level 7

In Stage 3, once a player hits Level 6 and 7, they will want to make sure they have at least five Eldritch activate and start figuring out who their main carry will be. If players have a lot of attack damage items, they will likely want to pick up Fiora since she will turn on the Warrior synergy with Nilah. If a player has a lot of AP items, then Nami can be the main carry in the comp as she is already and Eldritch champion. And of course, for tank items, Morderkaiser is the number one pick. 

On Level 7 players will want to make sure they have five Eldritch in, an additional frontline tank unit like Tahm Kench and either a sixth Eldritch unit if a player is playing AP or a AD item holder if they are playing AD.

Late Game

level 8 board for Eldritch

Once a player hits Level 8, getting the Seven-piece Eldritch trait active should be top priority. However, getting this requires finding a Briar who is a five-cost Legendary unit. While players try to find this unit, keeping five Eldritch in while complimenting their carry would be the best bet. If players are carrying with Nami, making sure to get the Mage trait in is beneficial with units like Vex and Galio. If they are carrying Fiora, throwing in a Neeko gives the comp another frontline unit while also turning on Witchcraft for Fiora.

However, Once a Briar is found, players will want to make the comp essentially the seven Eldritch units as well as a Tahm Kench. All the AD items can now go on Briar. From here, simply roll for two and three-star upgrades and position well.

Warren Younger