Jojopyun Reportedly Fired From Cloud9 For Being Unprofessional — Here's What Happened

Joseph Joon "Jojopyun" Pyun has apparently been fired from Cloud9 for his lack of work ethic.
Cloud9's League of Legends roster was getting a lot of praise ahead of the LCS Summer Split, with fans approving of the addition of top South Korean talent. This included Jojopyun, known for his mid lane prowess. Unfortunately, Cloud9 ended up in third and missing Worlds — and it could be due to Jojopyun's behavior.
Christian "IWillDominate" Rivera came forward with a video revealing the reason behind Jojopyun being let go from Cloud9 that has fans shocked.
Why Was Jojopyun Fired From Cloud9?
IWillDominate recently uploaded a video titled "BREAKING NEWS: JOJOPYUN FIRED FROM CLOUD9."
The streamer leaked that Cloud9 terminated Jojopyun's contract for a history of constant tardiness. In the video, IWillDominate said that Jojo had allegedly been late to practice, workouts, and meetings 43 times since staff started counting. It doesn't count the times he was tardy before staff decided to keep track.
This explained what happened behind the scenes, since fans had been surprised to hear of Cloud9's decision to lose such a strong player and not even shop him around.
Fans responded with shock: "At first I thought C9 was crazy... But being tardy 43 times? And this is after he was late so many times they started tracking it so in reality it's probably 50+? Nah, that's crazy. No job on this planet will keep you on if you're late for work 50+ times."
A lot of fans accused Jojo of not being professional and others noted that he seemed "complacent" during matches. This is despite Jojopyun being allegedly the "highest paid player" in North America.