Will Spectre Divide Have a Battle Pass?

Spectre Divide is missing one important thing: a battle pass...

Spectre Divide just had a massive update that improved XP progression and added Custom Match changes. But fans noticed that it didn't add one thing you'll find in most FPS: a battle pass.

Inspired by tac-shooters like Counter-Strike 2 and VALORANT, Spectre Divide has focused on competitive gameplay right from the start. This even included adding Ranked right when the game launched last week. Here's when we might be getting the battle pass.

Is There a Spectre Divide Battle Pass?

After the whole XP debacle, fans started to wonder if a battle pass was ever going to come to the shooter. Developers seem to want players to grind to get cosmetics, so a battle pass only seems natural.

Currently, however, there is no battle pass in Spectre Divide.

The battle pass will likely be part of Season 1 since battle passes are commonly linked to seasons in other popular FPS titles. Gamers usually have the duration of a season to grind through a battle pass to get all of its rewards — or pay money to skip tiers or unlock more cosmetics.

When Is Spectre Divide Season 1?

Currently, developers have not announced a Season 1.

Inside the game's in-game store, however, there is a countdown towards the first season. Today, it says that Spectre Divide Season 1 is 20 days away. This means that Season 1 is planned for late September or the first day of October.

Spectre Divide Season 1 is likely coming out September 30 or October 1.

Will Ranked Reset in Spectre Divide Season 1?

Right now, Spectre Divide is on Season 0. The details are unknown, but Season 1 will likely have some sort of Ranked reset if we go off of how other FPS games work. We also don't know if there will be rewards based on the highest rank you reach by the end of each season. Stay tuned for more details on Ranked reset.

Here is currently how Ranked works, including tiers for both solo players and teams.

Olivia Richman

Olivia is a long-time esports journalist and editor who covers just about every game but has a deep love for the FGC. Her goal is to find community-driven stories that bring a new perspective to the esports scene. In the past, she has worked for Team Liquid, Rogue, Inven Global, Dot Esports, Upcomer, and more. Outside of esports, Olivia enjoys Kirby, Pokemon TCG, Fallout, and writing science fiction. She can be found trying out new foods, traveling, or hanging out with her two orange cats.  Fun fact: Olivia can do some video game and cartoon impressions!