TFT Patch Notes 14.16b — Big Champion and Trait Changes

TFT is making some mid-patch nerfs to hit Ahri, Pyro, hero augments and more in TFT Patch 14.16b

We are in the second patch of the newest Teamfight Tactics expansion, TFT Set 12: Magic n’Mayhem and while the game has been in a relatively good spot, Riot is making some changes in the middle of TFT Patch 14.16 to address some outliers.

It was announced by Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer, the lead designer of TFT that there would be a b-patch coming to address some overperforming traits, champions and augments. There are only nerfs in this B-Patch with no buffs but Mortdog did mention that there would be some significant changes coming in the next patch

The B-Patch is set to release at 12pm PST on Tuesday, August 20th. Here is an in-depth look at everything that is happening in TFT Patch 14.16b.

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The most overperforming trait in TFT Patch 14.16 has been Portal. With Portal, players get a quick power spike early in which the bombs can just win the round quickly, Riot has deemed the bombs a little too impactful. Along with Portal, Pyro has been a big stepper in the current meta-game and as a result, is also being nerfed at the chase trait execute threshold and in the attack speed department.

  • Portal 3: Portal Bomb base damage 135 to 90
  • Vanguard Shield: 18/25/50% HP to 18/30/50% HP
  • Pyro Execute threshold: 12/12/12/18% HP to 12/12/12/15% HP
  • Pyro AS: 12/25/45/70% to 12/25/45/60%


Although Riot went and tried to stop the two-cost reroll onslaught, one of the few two-costs they did not hit in the last patch turned out to be this patch's new boogeyman. Ahri has been an absolute menace since TFT Patch 14.16 has been in play and because of it, Riot isn't waiting around to nerf her. Also on the nerf list are Nilah, Fiora and Nasus.

  • Ahri Ability True Damage: 100/150/230% AP to 90/135/210% AP
  • Ahri Passive Bonus AP: 30% to 15%
  • Nilah AD: 55 to 50
  • Fiora Ability damage: 180/180/360% AD to 160/160/360% AD
  • Fiora Ability split damage: 350/350/700% AD + 40/60/300% AP to 320/320/700% AD + 40/60/300% AP
  • Nasus Ability damage: 20% HP to 15% HP


The Rumble hero augment is being nerfed in TFT Patch 14.16b

Since the TFT Set 12 expansion has been out, the best performing augments have been Hero Augments. There have been two Hero augments in particular this patch that have been pain points in the data. The Lillia hero augment and Rumble hero augment are performing a little better than expected so they are being hit along with the Flexible augment which Riot claims has been the best-performing augment overall by a large margin.

According to, These three augments are the top three best performers so the nerfs do check out.

  • Flexible: Emblems next 3 stages to Next 2 stages
  • High Horsepower (Lillia) Bonus AS: 150% to125%
  • High Horsepower (Lillia) Ability damage: 300% to 275%
  • Molten Caramel (Rumble) Ability damage: 200% to 190%

Warren Younger