Teamfight Tactics Magic n' Mayhem Battle Pass 1 - Rewards

While players gear up for the release of the newest Teamfight Tactics expansion, Magic n’Mayhem, some of those players might be wondering what they are playing for. Outside of the usually ranked ladder placement that comes with some sweet end-of-season rewards, TFT also has a battle pass system where players can get rewarded for their play at they progress through the season
With TFT Sets now being four months long, that means that there are two battle passes for each expansion that are two months long in length and the first one for TFT Set 12 is already up on the Public Beta Enviorment for players to see.
Here is a breakdown of everything players can earn in the Magic N’ Mayhem Tome 1 battle pass when it releases on the live servers on Wednesday, July 31st
Related Article: Best Comps for TFT Set 12 PBE
This article is part of a partnership with MetaTFT. All rankings and strategies are created using data from MetaTFT
How the TFT Set 12 Battle Pass Works
The cool thing about TFT battle passes is that they are free for every player that plays the game. Playing games earn players XP in which a total is kept track of and when players hit certain intervals, they unlock rewards. There is also a paid version of the battle pass that unlocks additional rewards as well
TFT Set 12 Battle Pass Free rewards
The free track of the TFT battle pass does away with booms and emotes and instead gives players more premium currency which can be exchanged for premium content including Little Leegnds, Chibi Champions and Arenas through the rotating shop. Here is a complete list of what can be earned on the Free Track
- Apprentice Sprite
- 300 Star Shards
- 900 Realm Crystals
- 400 Treasure Tokens
Each currency buys certain things. Star Shards are used to upgrade Little Legends Star Levels without needing to pull duplicates in Little Legend Eggs. Treasure Tokens are used for opening Treasure Realms boxes which feature content that is only available tor a limited time like Chibi Champions and Areans. And finally, there are the new currency which can buy content that was available during previous sets like Little Legends, Chibi Champions and Arenas.
TFT Set 12 Battle Pass Paid Rewards
The paid track gives players everything in the free track plus some bonus content like more currency, some Little Legends, some exclusive booms and an Arena. Here is a complete list of everything exclusive to the TFT Paid track
- Broom Boom Boom
- Vampire Lumie Little Legend
- Scarlet Mage Bun Bun Little Legend
- Demolition Donut Boom
- Coven Bun Bun Little Legend
- Enchanted Archives Arena
On top of those exclusive rewards, the paid track also gives players additional currency
- 700 Treasure Tokens (1100 in total)
- 1700 Realm Crystals (2600 in total)
- 300 Star Shards (600 in total)
The paid battle pass, which is known as Magic n’ Mayhem: Tome 1 Pass+ is expected to be on sale in the shop for 1295RP on the day of release.