Best Comps For Ranked in TFT Set 11, Inkborn Fables

It is finally time for the release of the 11th Teamfight Tactics expansion, Inkborn Fables. TFT Set 11, which has officially launched as of Wednesday, March 20 brings in a brand new experience for players to explore with all new traits, champions and mechanics.
It may be hard for players to find their footing at the beginning of a set but with the analysis from ESI’s TFT expert and using resources from data websites like, ESI has players covered looking for the best comps to play in TFT Set 11.
What are Encounters in TFT Set 11 Inkborn Fables
Sniper Warden

Reminiscent of one of the oldest, if not the oldest, compositions in the history of TFT, Sniper Warden is one of the best but also one of the simplest comps to play in TFT Set 11. The idea of the comp is a classic front-to-back comp that relies on the four snipers to dish out DPS while the Warden frontline keeps the backline healthy.
The comp is very similar to the OG Ranger Guardian composition from the first TFT set and just like in that set, the main carry in the current iteration of ranged Attack Damage with tanky frontline is still Ashe.
Even the best in slot on Ashe is the same idea as she is going to want attack speed from Rageblade, extra damage with Infinty Edge and some sort of sustain to keep her healthy. In modern times, Gunblade is the best bet as the frontline will keep enemies away and if Ashe can deal enough damage, the Gunblade will not only keep her healthy but also her frontline.
The tank frontline is headlined by Amumu which activates the Porcelien trait which allows Ashe to do even more damage, Nautilus to provide some much-needed CC and of course, Sett which as a late-game boss for the composition to help turn top fours into wins.
Dryad Reroll

One of the premier reroll comps players will want to try out at the start of TFT Set 11 is the combination of two of the Dryad Champions, Gnar and Kindred. Both of these champions can be the main carries in the composition and they are both two-cost champions making them fantastic options reroll options at level five and six.
The comp has a few different variants depending on if players want to carry Kindred, Gnar or both. This particular comp highlighted in this guide focuses on both. Kindred is a backline magic damage dealer while Gnar is a frontline attack damage pseudo-tank.
The importance of this comp relies on getting them both onto the board as early as possible that's because the Dryad trait rewards an early activation. Dryad when active gains health and ability power but also gains permanent additional health for every enemy death. So getting the trait active in early stage 2 can allow Kindred and Gnar be able to scale into the late game.
Gnar does not really need any supporting cast since his two traits are Dryad and Warden (which is one of the tank traits in TFT Set 11) but Kindred however has two important traits outside of Dryad being Reaper and Fated. This comp takes advantage of the Reaper trait which gives Kindred more crit strike which effectively means more damage.
Vertical Arcanist

For players wanting to be able to collect a bunch of champions from one trait and throw them onto the board, there does seem to be on comp above the rest on release day that can get the job done while players explore the rest of the set. Vertical Arcanists is an easy way to gain LP as it's very similar to traits in past sets.
Arcanists are this set’s mages. Essentially, a bunch of magic damage dealers that gain bonus damage for the number of Arcanists on the board.
Whats nice about the champions in the Arcanist vertical is that it contains one classic four-cost carry champion and one premier three-cost trank champion to give the comp balance. Syndra is the carry of choice for the Arcanist comp as she is a low-mana cost champion that scales as the fight goes on. Her best-in-slot items include Blue Buff, Gunblade and Jeweled Gauntlet
Illaoi is the tank champion of the comp and can even do some damage of her own while summoning tentacles that shield herself while dealing damage to enemy champions and healing herself in the process.