The Best Units in TFT Set 5.5 Revival

A look at what the data says are the best units in TFT Set 5.5 revival at each cost point

Teamfight Tactic’s latest throwback game mode takes players back to 2021 in the middle of the fifth expansion, TFT: Dawn of Heroes. TFT’s second set revival is in full swing, and while players have rushed to play one of the most iconic sets, things may seem the same, but a lot has changed.

Players can easily get tripped up if they simply try to replicate their favorite comps from back in the day. This is a revival, it isn't a perfect recreation. As such, it's critical to familiarize yourself with the best build-around champions at every tier so you know what to look for when rolling down.

Here is a breakdown of the best champions to use in TFT Set 5.5 Revival broken down by cost. 

This article is part of a partnership with MetaTFT. All rankings and strategies are created using data from MetaTFT

Five-Cost: Gwen

Gwen is a the premier five-cost champion in TFT Set 5.5 Revival

Gwen really is the do-it-all champion in TFT set 5.5 Revival. With the incredibly flexible Mystic trait and her built-in Trait, Inanimate, Gwen brings superior defense to any comp she is a part of, but the best part about Gwen is that she is the best magic damage carry in the game. With the correct positioning, Gwen can shred the enemy front line and immediately jump into the backline to assassinate enemy carry champions. According to Metatft, her 3.3 average placement puts her on top of the entire 5.5 champion cast, and it's not even close. The next closest champion is a full 0.2 placement lower. 

Four-Cost: Karma

Karma splash art from League of Legends

It is rare for any four-cost champion to outplace any five-cost champion in average placement since inherently, you can only field five-cost champions in the late game and have to make it there before dying even to have a chance to use them. With that said, Karma is one of only two four-cost champions to outplace a five-cost and has an average placement under four, which is crazy for any non-five-cost champion

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Although Gwen is the premier magic damage carry, it is a little risky to use her since she gets up close and personal with the enemy teams. Karma is a much safer pick as she has AoE damage from the backline and still packs a punch to even the most capped-out team comps. 

Three-Cost: Lux

Lux is the premier three-cost champion in TFT Set 5.5 Revival

The best three-cost champion plays a similar role to Gwen as Lux carries the flexible Mystic trait, letting her fit into even the most capped-out team compositions, which complements her fantastic 4.10 average placement. Lux also carries the Redeemed trait, which pairs nicely with boards focusing on the five-cost Kayle as their main carry. 

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Even though she is mainly a support champion, committing carry items onto her as a secondary carry option is a fine choice, as she can shield ally champions and swing big at enemy champions. 

Two-Cost: Syndra

Syndra splash art from League of Legends

Another magic damage support champion, Syndra carries the Redeemed trait like Lux does but doesn't have the Mystic trait. Instead, she has the Invoker trait, which is another support-type trait that gives the entire team more mana per attack. 

But what makes Syndra a scary champion in the two-cost slot and why she has an average placement of 4.21 is that she is an anti-assassin tech option. Syndra takes the closest enemy champion and flings them back into the enemy backline which spoils any quick attempt at your main carries life and can be just what a team needs to win games. 

One-Cost: Vladimir

vladimir splash art in League of Legends

While technically a magic damage dealer, Vladimir plays the tank role and is secretly one of the strongest tanks in the early to mid-game. As one of only two one-cost champions with a positive average placement of under 4.5, Vladimir earned the spot thanks to his Nightbringer trait, which makes him useful in one of the strongest comps in the entire game — the Nightbringer Aphelios/Diana comp. 
