TFT Meta Report: Patch 14.2 — Big Vi

With Patch 14.1 impacting the meta in a huge way and Patch 14.2 buffing out the edges, the current meta game in TFT has a ton of familiarity while also showcasing some new strategies. Some that were completely out of left field and some that were just waiting for the limelight to finally shine.
Here is the TFT Meta Report for Patch 14.2.
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Using’s data, here is a look at the best performers in these categories for Patch 13.24
- Best Augment: Extended Play
- Best Champion: Vi
- Best Player: Unnecessary Ning
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Augment Spotlight: Extended Play
The story of the last patch was the emergence of the Twin Terror composition that spawned directly as a result of an augment. Without that augment, Twin Terror as a comp would not exist and as a small recap of what that comp consisted of, it was a reroll comp that took the two two-cost champions of the reroll trait of the set which was Punk and combined them with the supporting cast of Vex and Amumu. Essentially, Twitch and Pantheon showcased that Punk can be a meta composition, although reliant on an augment. In Patch 14.2, Twin Terror is still around a little bit but ironically another Punk augment has taken the top spot once again.

Extended Play isn't absolutely necessary for the new and improved Punk comp to compete but it does make the game a lot easier for Punk players. The augment is simple, every time a a Punk champion is two-stared, the player gets two gold. Every time a Punk champion is three-stared, they get an item component. This essentially lets Punk players spike a little earlier and generate enough items to have multiple carry threats and a good tank as well.
The numbers have shown that this is a big deal as Extended Play has a 3.89 average placement in Diamond+ lobbies and when the augment is taken first, that average placement goes to 3.83. The next closest augment in average placement is a full .1 higher making Extended Play the no-brainer augment of the patch.
Champion Focus: Vi and Jinx
For the first time all set, there are a ton of non-five-cost champions in MetaTFT’s S-tier but there are a couple of one-cost champions that have taken the patch by storm. Last patch it was the Punk duo of Twitch and Pantheon and in Patch 14.2, with the power of Punk not being touched directly (in fact it was buffed) it was a no-brainer that the other two champions, Vi and Jinx would take charge.
The Punk duo of Vi and Jinx currently sit at a 4.10 and 4.13 average placement respectively and are the faces of the best performing meta comp in the game which is essentially Punk reroll that uses the co-stars from the Twin Terror comp.
Vi is essentially a synergy bot but an extremely important one which explains her high placement but Jinx is definitely the primary carry. As for items with Jinx, MetaTFT says that the best performing build is Rageblade, Giant Slayer and Hurricane which has an average placement of 3.63
Player on the Rise: Unnecessary Ning
Over the past few Meta reports, we have focused on players that have been on the flexible side showcasing that having mastery of many comps will lead to success. However, the exact opposite can be true. This week’s top rising player is a name that almost no one has heard of and one that has been on a massive climb out of nowhere
Unnecessary Ning was a hardstuck low-master player with over 500 games played but in the last five days, they have gone from 18 LP Master to 683 LP Grandmaster with an incredible 2.85 average placement in the last three days. But what is most remarkable about this players run is the comp they have decided to one trick. In a meta dominated by Punk, K/DA and Executioner, Unnecessary Ning is one-tricking Edgelord Riven.
According to, Edgelord Riven has a 4.61 average placement but looking at Ning’s play history, Edgelord Riven accounts for six of the last eight first place finishes in their last 20 games which goes to show that even forgotten comps have the power needed to succeed, perhaps Riven is the undercover meta play heading into the last week of the patch.