The Best Comps in TFT Set 5.5 Revival

Using data and analysis these are the comps players should look towards for TFT's newest throwback game mode

Teamfight Tactics' second set revival is off to a fantastic start. Players are rediscovering TFT: Dawn of Heroes while others are enjoying the classic set for the first time. In any case, it's been a long time since players have had the chance to touch TFT Set 5.5, and figuring out what was good back then and whether that translates to the new items and mechanics now may be hard. 

But thanks to data provided by and analysis from EI’s TFT expert, figuring out what the best comps are is easy. Here are the best comps to play in TFT Set 5.5 Revival

This article is part of a partnership with MetaTFT. All rankings and strategies are created using data from MetaTFT


Nightbringer is the strongest trait and comp in TFT Set 5.5 Revival

Nightbringer is by far the strongest vertical in TFT Set 5.5 Revival due to the sheer amount of different carries the trait has at all costs. With that said, the main Nightbringer comp that sees the most success utilizes the triple threat of Aphelios, Diana, and Yasuo.

Aphelios is the star of the show and is the primary ranged damage dealer. As a Ranger, Aphelios ramps up over time, and when he casts his expensive ability, it strikes down multiple targets at the same time, including the backline.

Diana is the backline assassin of the comp and helps Aphelios out by softening up the backline while displacing them to make them easy targets.

And then there is Yasuo. If players opt to make him a three-star, Yasuo can easily be the primary damage dealer of the comp.

Abomination Vel'Koz

Vel'Koz Abom is a meta pick in TFT Set 5.5 Revival

One of the main fan-favorite comps in TFT Set 5.5 Revival is the Abomination trait. Building a monster that pops out, rushes down the enemy team and emerges as the comps main carry and tank is satisfying. Another cool thing about this comp is that the monster comes equipped with the items that the actual Abomination champions have, adding a layer of teambuilding and item arrangement that players like.

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But it's not enough to just slap together champions onto the board; while the monster does do the heavy lifting, it will need assistance, and ironically, that comes from outside the Abomination trait. While Nunu and Fiddlesticks are fantastic at playing the secondary carry role, there is one champion in particular that players will want to focus on and that is Vel’Koz. As the premier magic damage carry in the game, Vel’Koz melts the enemy down which combined with the rest of the supporting cast and the monster leads to many round wins and top fours..

Mystic Gwen

Gwen is the best carry champion in TFT Set 5.5 Revival

The comp with the highest win rate in TFT Set 5.5 revival does not utilize a particular vertical trait but instead focuses on keeping a hyper-carry alive as long as possible. Gwen is an awesome flex five-cost champion who only has two traits. The first is one unique to her, the other is Mystic which has historically just been a flex trait that is thrown in to give the comp some defense. But the thing with Gwen, she isn't like other mystic champions who are usually utility bots, she is a bonafide carry. 

By maxing out on the mystic champions, which boosts magic resist, and going deep into the Ironclad trait to maximize armor, Gwen gains all the defense she needs to do all the damage the team needs. 

With Gwen running around the map sniping enemy champions, Kayle is an excellent secondary carry option as she sits safely on the backline, ramping up her ability, which allows her to ascend 20 seconds into combat. 
