The Most Popular Class in The War Within is an Old Favorite

Thanks to a shortened leveling process and the most alt-friendly expansion in history, thousands of players have already reached max level in World of Warcraft The War Within. As these players start to push keys in Mythic+, explore the expansion's new Delves, and gear up for the first raid, Data for Azeroth has pulled together some interesting stats on which classes have hit level 80 so far.

What is the Most Popular Class in TWW?

The most played classes in WoW: The War Within are:

  • Paladin
  • Hunter
  • Druid
  • Warrior
  • Death Knight
  • Shaman
  • Mage
  • Priest
  • Warlock
  • Demon Hunter
  • Monk
  • Rogue
  • Evoker
The most played classes in World of Warcraft The War Within
Class data from Data for Azeroth may not represent the entire playerbase / Data For Azeroth

Why is Paladin So Popular

It's early days for the expansion, so many players are likely getting their most geared characters from the last expansion up to max level. Alternatively, because leveling was so easy in the first week, there could simply be a whole lot of alt Paladins running around or just sitting in the warband. That said, Paladin is looking solid going into this expansion. The class got some iconic hero talents that add to its core fantasy and every spec is looking poised to perform in raid.

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What Happened to Evoker

While it's possible we'll see Evoker climb quickly this expansion, the nerfs to Augmentation likely pushed many players who felt forced onto the class to go and try something they enjoyed more. Evoker isn't looking dominant in any role at the moment and other classes like Shaman have new tools that might push healers and ranged DPS to try out some old favorites that have felt abandoned for years.

Trent Murray


Trent has covered esports since the birth of the LCS. He also led content strategy and served as Senior Writer for The Esports Observer and Sports Business Journal, and worked on the development team for Rushdown Revolt.