Tuesday's P.M. Hot Clicks

Give Yourself A Hand
Matt Kemp :: Christian Petersen/Getty Images

Dodgers outfielder Matt Kemp made one fan's day a little better recently when he gave him the shirt off his back -- literally -- and much more.
So Close, Yet So Far Away
A Bulls-Warriors money line parlay last night for $1,000 would've paid $46,500 if Golden State had held on to its 16-point fourth quarter lead. I know this because @PlaysOfTheWeek reached out to me on Twitter to share a losing ticket, which I later found out via this funny tweet belonged to a 19-year-old, who finally reached out to me to let me know he couldn't sleep after the painful loss.
UPDATE: As you can see here, I'm a complete idiot and my dollar amounts are not accurate.
Hockey Hair
Yes, NHL playoff beards are all the rage right now, but let's not forget about the mullet. This infographic gives us a detailed history lesson on the hockey mullet.
Lovely Lady Of The Day
Tuesday's P.M. Hot Clicks

Hannah Flattery :: Courtesy KyleGoldie.com

Hannah Flattery :: Courtesy KyleGoldie.com

Hannah Flattery :: Courtesy KyleGoldie.com

Hannah Flattery :: Courtesy KyleGoldie.com

Hannah Flattery :: Courtesy KyleGoldie.com

Hannah Flattery :: Courtesy KyleGoldie.com

Hannah Flattery :: Courtesy KyleGoldie.com
Irish model Hannah Flattery gets today's LLOD honors.
Hairdo Of The Day
This Rockies fan show his love for shortstop Troy Tulowitzki with one of the most amazing mohawks you'll ever see.
Tweet Of The Day
Many thanks to my colleague Gabriel Baumgaertner for the heads up on this gem from Nuggets forward JaVale McGee.
Educational Video Of The Day
The Internet is destroying our brains. Not Hot Clicks. Just everything else on the Internet.
Prom Invite Video Of The Day
So this is how the kids today ask each other to prom.
Repost Video Of The Day
If you didn't see the amazing interview with Charles Ramsey (the man who helped rescue the three women kidnapped in Cleveland) in today's A.M. Hot Clicks, I'm posting it again, because it's that damn good.