Katherine Webb and AJ McCarron's Mom Posed for the Cover of an Alabama Magazine

Here's the difference between AJ McCarron and TimecoverboyJohnny Manziel: McCarron doesn't need to do anything to piss people off. Manziel needs to sign lots of autographs and seemingly lie about it and then make the sorts of on-field gestures, during the one half of a game he's allowed to play due to that autograph shadiness, that leaves everyone thinking, "Really, guy?" He has to try to make people dislike him -- and his haterscertainlyhate.
McCarron, meanwhile, just needs to sit back, win national championships, and watch his SI Swimsuit model girlfriend appear on magazine covers—this time with his mother, Dee Dee Bonner, on the regional Alabama mag Access. The bitterness and resentment will take care of itself.
In related news, for all the "readers" out there: The September issue of Access also contains revelations about SEC coaches' wives. What better way to prepare your unseemly taunts?