Wednesday P.M. Clicks

John Daly, Fashion Icon
Wednesday P.M. Clicks

John Daly :: Getty Images

John Daly :: Getty Images

John Daly :: Getty Images

John Daly :: Getty Images

John Daly :: Getty Images

John Daly :: Getty Images

John Daly :: Getty Images

John Daly :: Getty Images

John Daly :: Getty Images

John Daly :: Getty Images

John Daly :: Getty Images

John Daly :: Getty Images

John Daly :: Getty Images
Golfer John Daly debuted his latest fashion masterpiece -- golf pants with SpongeBob SquarePants plastered all over them -- during play at the Qatar Open. Since 2009, Daly has worn clothing from LoudMouth and become the most fashionable player on the course in my opinion. I've collected some of Daly's best looks for the gallery above.
Feel-Good Story of the Day
Seahawks fullback Derrick Coleman, the first deaf offensive player in the NFL, received this letter from a young, hearing-impaired fan.
(Another) Feel-Good Story of the Day
A plumber in Louisville was repairing a set of burst pipes when one of his co-workers told him that Muhammad Ali lived across the street. So he knocked on the door and spent time with Ali and his wife before leaving with a photo of he and the champ.
Lovely Lady Of The Day
Wednesday P.M. Clicks

Dominique Piek :: Getty Images

Dominique Piek :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

Dominique Piek :: Getty Images

Dominique Piek :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

Dominique Piek :: Getty Images

Dominique Piek :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

Dominique Piek :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

Dominique Piek :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

Dominique Piek :: Getty Images

Dominique Piek :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

Dominique Piek :: Getty Images
Dominique Piek looked good at the SI Swimsuit 50th special ... Just one time in my life I'd like to pull into a gas station and see this ... Happy 33rd Birthday to Willa Ford.
Don't Mess With Nick Saban's Daughter
Nick Saban's daughter, Kristen, told lawyers that she was acting in self defense during her 2010 brawl with a sorority sister. The opposing lawyer disagreed with that opinion, saying that Saban punched “like Boom Boom Mancini” and "beat the devil" out of her one-time friend.
The NBA 20 Years Ago
I was having a hard time finding items for P.M. Clicks curious about the state of NBA scoring in 1994 and went into the SI Vault for this little nugget from the Jan. 20, 1994 issue. At the time, the league's three leading scorers were Shaquille O'Neal, David Robinson and Hakeem Olajuwon and it looked as though a center might win the scoring title for the first time since Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in 1972.
"So why the change? The short answer is that Michael Jordan, who won the scoring title the last seven years, finally gave someone else a chance by retiring (during that span, Moses Malone was runner-up to Jordan twice). The longer answer has to do with topflight centers' now being almost as plentiful as outstanding shooting guards and small forwards were a few years ago. The ranks of shooting guards have been thinned by retirement ( Jordan's) and tragedy (the deaths of Reggie Lewis and Drazen Petrovic), while age and injuries are slowing down others, such as 31-year-old Trail Blazer Clyde Drexler and 30-year-old Piston Joe Dumars. Small forwards have also been hit by the retirement of Larry Bird and the injury woes of players such as Chris Mullin of the Warriors."
Bieber Gets His Babe?
In yesterday's A.M. Clicks, we mentioned Canadian tennis player Eugenie Bouchard and her admitted crush on Justin Bieber.It turns out the Biebs heard Bouchard's now-famous interview and is telling friends he'll get in touch with her ASAP. Not to play matchmaker, but there's a perfectly good SI Swimsuit model named Nina Agdal who's already gone public with her love for Bieber. I'd act on that one, ASAP.
Odds and Ends
This is Arnold Schwarzenegger's finest comedic performance since Twins ... Funny or Die spoofed Warren Buffett's $1 billion bracket contest ... Jacoby Jonesgave an incredibly awkward interview ... Vince Youngis now bankrupt ... NBC is bringing back Bill Cosby to star in a family comedy ... This guy photoshopped himself into a bunch of celebrity photos ... Jonah Hill only got paid $60,000 for The Wolf of Wall Street.
The Flintstones Video of the Day
Richard Sherman mashed up with The Flintstones. I love the Internet.
Dogs Trying To Carry Sticks Through Small Openings
Headline says it all (HT: Uproxx)
Vince Young Video Of The Day
Vince Young wins the 2006 Rose Bowl for Texas. Happier times.