Man who wrote book on surviving The Running of the Bulls gored by bull

Bill Hillman literally wrote the book on how get out of The Running of the Bulls alive, but he didn't say anything about getting out uninjured. Also on Extra
Man who wrote book on surviving The Running of the Bulls gored by bull
Man who wrote book on surviving The Running of the Bulls gored by bull /

Bill Hillman literally wrote the book on how get out of The Running of the Bulls alive, but he didn't say anything about getting out uninjured.

Also on Extra Mustard: Belgian fan gets modeling job with L'Oreal after being spotted at World Cup

Hillman, author of How to Survive the Bulls of Pamplona, took a horn to the thigh during Wednesday's run at the Fiesta de San Fermin,according to the festival's website. Hillman's condition is listed as "not serious", though he did suffer a pair of wounds to his right thigh. 

The festival had a photographer there to capture the whole thing. Hillman is the guy on the ground wearing toe shoes, because of course he's wearing toe shoes. 

pamplona running of the bulls bill hillman gored2

pamplona running of the bulls bill hillman gored3

Hillman is having a really terrible time in Spain, it would seem. He told the festival's website that he lost his passport, laptop and some medication when he arrived in Pamplona. Now he's lost a couple chunks of thigh meat.  

- Dan Gartland

Extra Mustard

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