The Cubs are suing the bootleg mascot who got in a bar fight

Remember the bootleg Chicago Cubs mascot with a penchant for annoying fans and punching bar patrons? Well, the Cubs are finally looking to shut him down for
The Cubs are suing the bootleg mascot who got in a bar fight
The Cubs are suing the bootleg mascot who got in a bar fight /

Remember the bootleg Chicago Cubs mascot with a penchant for annoying fans and punching bar patrons? Well, the Cubs are finally looking to shut him down for good. 

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, the team is now suing a group of people behind "Billy Cub," an unaffiliated character who wanders around Wrigley Field soliciting money. The team claims that the mascot has violated its trademark and harmed the brand. 

The suit also states that "Billy Cub" has made "rude, profane and derogatory remarks and gesticulations to patrons, ticket holders, fans or other individuals located in the area of Wrigley Field," like, for instance, this one: 

In a 2013 interview with NBC, John Paul Weier––the creator of Billy Cub and one of five individuals named in the suit––gave his reason for dressing up in the bear costume: "I’m not getting anything monetary out of it. What I’m getting out of it is interaction with the fans. The fact that I make young and old people smile like just random strangers. Until you do it and understand the way it can make you feel, connecting with people that are complete strangers and being the highlight of some people’s experience, as a Cubs fan, you can’t put a monetary value on that.”

Well, you can if you injure someone with a fist to the face, but other than that, no I guess you can't.  

[Sun-Times h/t The Big Lead]
