Man finds President Obama's golf ball in woods at Congressional CC
Ever hit a golf shot so majestically terrible, so deep into the bushes you just said 'screw it' and didn't even bother to get it? Yeah? Apparently so does the President. There's a golf game-approval ratings joke in there somewhere.
President Obama played golf this past Saturday at the famous Congressional Country Club course in Maryland with his aid Marvin Nicholson, along with ESPN TV hosts Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon. No word on who came out on top, but Obama's swing seems a bit off, judging by this Instagram post.
User @Larrydoh claims to have found the President's logo ball in the woods off No. 1, which means he and his playing companions were playing two off the first tee. And I mean, what are you supposed to say when the leader of the free world, the guy with the freakin' nuclear launch codes in his Blackberry, says "Hey guys, mind if I play another?"
I just hope the POTUS didn't jinx himself right before he teed off like Judge Smails.
[h/t @ZekeJMiller]