23 Blast trailer: An inspiring story about a blind high school football player

23 Blast, the latest true-sports-drama set to hit theaters is based on the real-life story of a boy who goes blind overnight, and his best friend and teammate’s refusal to leave him on the sidelines? The trailer for 23 Blast was released this week and it’s tearjerker city. The football film set for a limited release on October 3, with a roll-out to additional cities on October 24, tells the story of Travis Freeman (Mark Hapka), a smalltown Kentucky boy who, at age 12, was stricken by an infection that left him blind overnight. His devastating diagnosis came in the prime of his youth, but with a little support from his friends and family, who help him pursue his dream to play for the Corbin High Redhounds football team, his playing days are far from over.
I know what you’re thinking – ‘Blind football? Impossible! This tests the limits of the triumph-over-adversity sports movie genre!’ But then you’re not his no-nonsense physical therapist, steadfast parents, loyal quarterback buddy, or his tough-as-nails-with-a-heart-of-gold coach, are you? They’ll show you a thing or two — with a healthy dose of blind-guy jokes along the way — and you’ll be glad they did. Also, did I mention it’s a true story? It is and Travis Freeman will tell you about it if you ask him. File this sports movie, which (spoiler alert!) is really about much more than sports, under “I” for inspiring.