South Carolina, Texas A&M fans got in a yelling match at midnight

Texas A&M students have a tradition of holding "Yell Practice" at midnight before each home football game, and they decided to take the tradition on the road with them for their Thursday game against the University of South Carolina.
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Gamecocks fans got wind of this plan and showed up to defend their turf.
It's time for a fightin' Texas Aggie yell practice in South Carolina! The #12thMan is in full force!
— Scott Jarvis (@sjarvis00) August 28, 2014
#gamecock fans turn out to defend the State House. Shouting down the #Aggies.
— Rick Henry (@RickHenry10) August 28, 2014
Really angry TAMU fan to my left: "This is supposed to be our thing!"
— Kaci Barfield (@KaciBarfield) August 28, 2014
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The clash took place at the South Carolina capitol building and came pretty close to turning ugly.
Now we've got a cop on the PA system telling Gamecocks to move away from the yell leaders.
— Rixon Lane (@RixonLane) August 28, 2014
USC fans chant "Where's Johnny?" TAMU answers, "Same as Connor." USC: "Connor's better."
— David Cloninger (@DCPandC) August 28, 2014
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If you were worried that maybe college football would not make people do insane things this season, rest easy, it is still as crazy, and great, as ever.
- Brendan Maloy