Watch what it's like to hit a deer on a bike at 30 MPH

Deer have yet to evolve to the point where they look both ways before jumping onto busy roads. It's a major flaw in the species. A cyclist named Silas Patlove
Watch what it's like to hit a deer on a bike at 30 MPH
Watch what it's like to hit a deer on a bike at 30 MPH /

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Deer have yet to evolve to the point where they look both ways before jumping onto busy roads. It's a major flaw in the species.

A cyclist named Silas Patlove captured this video on a helmet cam as he was barreling down a hill in Sausalito, California, at about 30 MPH.

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Patlove says he has "a mild concussion" and "a bit of memory loss" from the crash. In fact, he doesn't remember the crash itself. 

He managed to escape without serious injuries, but he's not so sure how the deer fared.

- Dan Gartland

[via Gawker]

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