Hawks mascot got catfished on Swipe Right Night

The Atlanta Hawks held their Tinder-themed Swipe Right Night on Wednesday, and for a brief moment it looked as though their mascot had used the popular dating service to find a perfect match.
Hawks mascot got catfished on Swipe Right Night
Hawks mascot got catfished on Swipe Right Night /


The Atlanta Hawks held their Tinder-themed Swipe Right Night on Wednesday, and for a brief moment it looked as though the team mascot had used the popular dating service to find a perfect match.

Harry the Hawk thought he found that special someone, and so he gets a Meatloaf soundtracked makeover to make sure to put his best talon forward.

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Unfortunately for the mascot, when he shows up at his love interest's house, it is not the pretty lady from the profile but actually the mascot of the Memphis Grizzlies, who the Hawks played on Wednesday.

Harry drives off in a heartbroken huff, but the team had his back, grabbing a 96-86 win over the Grizzlies.

Brendan Maloy

Extra Mustard

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