Miss Canada dressed up as hockey at the Miss Universe pageant
You have to give Miss Canada credit for going all-in on her country's love of hockey, but this might be a little much. That's Miss Universe contestant Chanel

You have to give Miss Canada credit for going all-in on her country's love of hockey, but this might be a little much.
OH DEAR GOD: Miss Canada at the Miss Universe pageant. SO MANY QUESTIONS pic.twitter.com/YmtiJdEXls
— Siobhan Morris (@siomoCTV) January 22, 2015
That's Miss Universe contestant Chanel Beckenlehner representing the Great White North on Wednesday night. She looks kind of like a hockey spider.
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Here's what it looks like without the fancy headgear.

It’s an impressive feat of strength, if nothing else. A net? Ten hockey sticks, not counting the goalie stick in her hand? Shoulder and elbow pads? It must be tough to lug all that gear around the stage.
- Phil Watson