Ex-MLB catcher Brian Schneider is going to try the Irish sport of hurling

Former major-league catcher Brian Schneider is going to try his hand at hurling, the traditional Irish sport vaguely similar to field hockey, for a reality show.
According to The Independent, Schneider is swapping places with Kilkenny star Jackie Tyrrell for a reality show called "The Toughest Trade" that will air on Irish television on March 9. Tyrell will spend two weeks at spring training with the Miami Marlins.
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Because hurling is an amateur sport, Schneider will also fill in for Tyrrell at his day job as a salesman for a food company.
David Bentley, a retired English Premier League soccer player, will swap places with Gaelic football player Aaron Kernan.
Bentley will play in a Gaelic football game on Wednesday, but there's no word on when Schneider will make his hurling debut.
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- Dan Gartland