Graphic designer makes alternate helmets for college football teams

Graphic designer Dylan Young's Deeyung Entertainment showedoff some cool alternate helmet designs for all 32 NFL team's last week, and now college football is getting a makeover.
Graphic designer makes alternate helmets for college football teams
Graphic designer makes alternate helmets for college football teams /

Graphic designer Dylan Young's Deeyung Entertainment previously showed off some cool alternate helmet designs for all 32 NFL teams, and now college football is getting a makeover.

Dozens of college powerhouses get new looks from Young, with some staying close to the school's traditional look, and others going for a more outlandish design.

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​Stop by Deeyung Entertainment's website or Instagram page for a look at more of the helmets, and hope your favorite team's athletic director is just crazy enough to give the new design a try.

Brendan Maloy

Extra Mustard

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