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Brewers minor league team plans to sell heart-stopping burgers

They say the way to a fan base's heart is through its stomach.

Timothy Hansen, the executive chef of the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, has taken that lesson to heart, and to mouth, and has prepared two new burgers for the Rattler's concession stands this season that are, quite frankly, ludicrous.

The first is the Grilled Cheese Bacon Cheeseburger. Its two grilled cheese sandwiches acting as the buns for a full-sized bacon cheeseburger. Cheese and meat, it's what Wisconsin does.

Next up is the Big Mother Funnel Burger. It's a burger on two pieces of funnel cake. No mysteries here.

The Rattlers start their home games this season on April 12. Hopefully they don't have any games with extra innings, there might not be anybody who makes it out.

- Christopher Woody