Gilbert Arenas locker room incident makes 'Jeopardy!'
Gilbert Arenas has not appeared in a NBA game since 2012, but his legacy continues. SB Nation's Seth Rosenthal brings word that Arenas was immortalized, once

Gilbert Arenas has not appeared in a NBA game since 2012, but his legacy continues.
— Seth Rosenthal (@seth_rosenthal) March 16, 2015
SB Nation's Seth Rosenthal brings word that Arenas was immortalized, once again, as the centerpiece of a question on Jeopardy! this week. Arenas was embroiled in a major scandal after brandishing a gun on former Washington Wizards teammate Javaris Crittenton in 2009, and following the incident, the former Arizona Wildcats guard quickly fell from rising star to NBA also-ran.
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It is easy to forget that Arenas averaged 25.5, 29.3 and 28.4 points per game over three consecutive seasons from 2004 through 2007. It apparently is not easy to forget the trouble he ran into while still an NBA player.