Australian catches 14-foot shark on beach

Max Muggeridge was doing some early morning surf casting while on a camping trip with his girlfriend in New South Wales, Australia when the avid angler got an enormous surprise in the form of a 14-foot tiger shark.
Australian catches 14-foot shark on beach
Australian catches 14-foot shark on beach /

Max Muggeridge was doing some early morning surf casting while on a camping trip with his girlfriend in New South Wales, Australia, when the avid angler got an enormous surprise in the form of a 14-foot tiger shark.


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Muggeridge, 19, wrote in a Facebook post that he knew early on that he may be in over his head with the battle, as he was using an antique rod and reel with just under 1,000 meters of line, but he made it through the three-hour battle to bring in what he thinks may be a record catch. 

12'6 inch / 3.84m TO THE FORK!!! Female tiger shark. Most large tiger sharks (12ft total length) have a gap between the fork to the tip of the tail ranging between 1'6" to 2ft so that PUTS THIS SHARK 14ft to 14ft 6inch overall length!!!


This is ONE of the largest tiger sharks ever caught off a beach, anywhere, ever. What's even better, is that it swam off with no hesitation.


The fight left its mark on the camper, as he reports his hands are covered in blood blisters, and his rod and reel have been warped by the epic battle.

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The fisherman was not able to get a precise enough measurement to qualify for the world record as his primary concern was returning the battle-weary fish back to the ocean as quickly as possible.


Luckily his girlfriend was on had to document the catch with cell phone photos.


[Daily Mail]

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