Watch John Oliver's latest takedown of Sepp Blatter and FIFA

FIFA had a rough week in the public eye, with the arrest of 15 officials and executives on Wednesday followed by the re-election of controversial president Sepp Blatter on Friday.
Watch John Oliver's latest takedown of Sepp Blatter and FIFA
Watch John Oliver's latest takedown of Sepp Blatter and FIFA /

FIFA had a rough week in the public eye with the arrest of 15 officials and executives on Wednesday, followed by the re-election of controversial president Sepp Blatter on Friday.

John Oliver has already issued one perfect takedown of the international soccer organization, but the recent events provided more than enough fodder for another epic lampooning, which he shared on Sunday night.

Oliver covers everything from the white hotel sheets used to shield the FIFA exec's following their arrest, to the ridiculous behavior of former FIFA VP Jack Warner, who cited an article for The Onion to defend himself in a bizarre online video.

The host, of course, saves his best jokes for Blatter, whom he at one point compares to Charles Manson.

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