Watch Jose Bautista trade his uniform for fan’s Messi jersey

Jose Bautista is a big fan of FC Barcelona, so when he saw a fan at the ballpark wearing a Lionel Messi Jersey as the Blue Jays took batting practice, he decided to propose a swap: two autographed baseballs and the jersey off his back for the Barca shirt.
Watch Jose Bautista trade his uniform for fan’s Messi jersey
Watch Jose Bautista trade his uniform for fan’s Messi jersey /

Jose Bautista is a big fan of FC Barcelona, so when he saw a fan at the ballpark wearing a Lionel Messi Jersey as the Blue Jays took batting practice, he decided to propose a swap: two autographed baseballs and the jersey off his back for the Barca shirt.

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The fan told Sportsnet after the swap that he had hoped to catch the Blue Jays slugger’s eye, and the plan worked out better than he could have imagined.

A friend of the lucky spectator recounted the story on Reddit later, saying that the outfielder initiated the trade, and shared a hilarious picture of the two after the swap.

Reddit user YankeeinExile

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