Extra Mustard talks to sports fans waiting for Pope Francis in New York

Extra Mustard went down to Madison Square Garden to ask Pope fans about what they liked better: Pope Francis or their favorite teams?
Extra Mustard talks to sports fans waiting for Pope Francis in New York
Extra Mustard talks to sports fans waiting for Pope Francis in New York /

Pope Francis is touring the United States for the first time, as you may have heard. One of his stops includes saying mass at Madison Square Garden, one of the most famous arenas in sports.

With the Holy Father being a professed fan of sports, especially his hometown soccer club San Lorenzo, Extra Mustard decided to head down to the arena to see if the sports fans waiting to enter the event would rather be seeing their own favorite teams.

David, St. Luke Mission of Mercy priest (Bills fan)

Jeremy Layton/Sports Illustrated

Would you rather see the Pope or a Bills Super Bowl? “The Pope. If I see the Pope, I will get blessed. If I see the Bills, I will get screwed.”

• Daniel (Mets)

Jeremy Layton/Sports Illustrated

“I started out as a Yankees fan, but Mets fans just seem a lot nicer ... Mets fans take a lot of punishment, though.”

• Fr. Richard Rock, St. John’s University Campus Minister for Athletics (Yankees)

Jeremy Layton/Sports Illustrated

“Yankees in 5 this year. They are going to do it for Yogi!”

• Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco (from left): Tango (Steelers, Giants), Sr. Helen (Canadiens), Sr. Janet (Saints), Sr. Juliet (Magic, Heat)

Jeremy Layton/Sports Illustrated

Would you trade your tickets to see the Pope for tickets to see your favorite team in the playoffs?

All: "NO!!!!

Tango: "Not even the Super Bowl!”

• Scott (Yankees, Mets, Expos)

Jeremy Layton/Sports Illustrated

“I am Yankees fan, but lately I have been pulling for the Mets, though. I like their young pitching.”

• Sergio, Luis, Jonathan, Kellenberg Memorial High (FC Barcelona)

Jeremy Layton/Sports Illustrated

Would you rather see Barcelona or the Pope? “Definitely the Pope”

• Mychal ("Anti-Yankees Fan"), Tom (Yankees)

Jeremy Layton/Sports Illustrated

Mychal: “In my house growing up we could never say hate, so we would say we disliked the Yankees.... I wore this jacket today for two reasons: So the Holy Father would bless the Red Sox and Patriots, and the B for my Jewish friend Bernie Sanders.”

• Tom (Yankees)

Jeremy Layton/Sports Illustrated

“My wife watches the Yankees more than me, but she is waiting at home today”

Extra Mustard

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