Weekend Hot Clicks: College GameDay signs, cheerleader Kate is LLOD
Gift That Keeps on Giving
The unpredictable college football season rolls on, as does College GameDay, which headed out west this week for the UCLA-Arizona game in Tucson and although it was an early bird show, that didn't stop Wildcat fans from coming out in droves, bringing with them a slew of fantastic signs. Did you hear the iconic Washington State flag, a stable of GameDay coverage for more than a decade, was lost in transit this week? Luckily, plenty of other Wazzu flags made it:
Across the country in Ann Arbor, Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh hooked Derek Jeter up with a sweet custom Wolverines jersey when the Yankees legend visited The Big House for their game against BYU. And we can't have a weekend of college football without some serious trolling. First, check out this ruthless job from a Lubbock (home of Texas Tech) convenience store as it used Keystone Light to mock TCU. Then, former Florida QB Danny Wuerffel trolled Tennessee before the Gators-Vols game.
Chicken Men
College football players are known to own some rather exotic or unconventional pets and there's no exception at D-III Texas Lutheran, where three players have chickens frolicking around their place.
Evan Murray
Horrific new out of New Jersey today: Evan Murray, quarterback at Warren Hills Regional High School, died after suffering an injury during their game on Friday night. He took a hit in the first half, walked off the field under his own power before collapsing around halftime. He then got back to his feet and was taken to a local hospital by ambulance before passing away. You can read the full story from NJ.com here. We're sending a ton of prayers and thoughts to Murray, his family, teammates and friends in New Jersey. Here is the gofundme page to help raise money for his family.
Lovely Lady of the Day
The final LLOD of September is the beautiful Kate of the Denver Broncos (Click here for full-size gallery).
Cheerleader of the Week: Kate
Meet Kate of the Denver Broncos, who jumped rope competitively throughout elementary school and even won a gold medal for Double Dutch at the Junior Olympics when she was 10. All her friends think of her as a nerd.
Kate's celebrity crush is Rory McIlroy, "I admire his well-balanced life as well as the balance in his golf game. The Rory Foundation is a fantastic organization that he started in order to provide the kind of support that he received as a child, which helped him achieve his dream. I love his commitment to both his sport and his community. And I could really use a little help with my golf swing…"
Her worst habit? "Biting my nails… I’m a worrier!"
The most embarrassing moment was, "At one of the first home games of my rookie season, a family friend made his way all the way down to the first row and started shouting my name and waiving his arms to catch my attention. The rest of the crowd was silent at the time! He wanted a picture so I quickly went over to the stadium wall to take one with him, and I’m sure my face was bright red in the photo…"
Her one guilty pleasure? "Binge watching Netflix… right now I’m hooked on Scandal!"
Maddon’s sweet ride
Cubs manager Joe Maddon drives a 1976 Dodge Van and it's plain awesome.
Can Only Go Up From Here
The College GameDay crew was asked to pick the Kansas-Rutgers game but spent the entire time asking which program was in worse shape, if KU was still playing football and who the head coach of KU even is. As a Kansas alum, it's another painful reminder of how far it has fallen since the 2008 Orange Bowl, but one day—one day—David Beaty (yes, that's its coach's name) will return this program to contention. Just wait.
Sir Mix-A-Lot Approves This Message
Get a load of these custom shirts that Michigan tight end Jake Butt's family made for Saturday's game against BYU:
Father-Daughter Love
Punters Are Freak Athletes
Well, not always but sometimes:
Simply Marvelous
Odds and Ends
Kobe Bryant hilariously steals high five from Draymond Green in NBA 2K16 ... Ranking Peyton Manning's best commercials of all-time ... This girl gives 48 reasons why J.J. Watt should date her ... Georgia QB Greyson Lambert's beautiful girlfriend was named Ms. Georgia ... Here are the Top 10 college fight songs ... This one-handed catch from a Michigan HS player is plain bonkers ... Is Kirk Cousins actually charging Redskins fans for autographs? ... Here are the strangest random accidents in sports history ... 2016 Oscar predictions ... Watch this ballsy dude play "Five Finger Fillet" while blindfolded .. Watch this robber's pants fall down as he attempts to escape a jewelry store.
We included the Facebook post about the comedian trying to become the next Vikings mascot in Wednesday AM Hot Clicks but it appears that man, Murphy Row, has taken his candidacy a step further with this amusing video:
I Wanna Try
Morten Blien broke the world record by riding a snowmobile on water for 131 miles and it was oddly fascinating:
New World Record with snowmobile on water 212 km from Jan Helmer Olsen on Vimeo.
NVL's MC is Unreal
In Case You Missed These
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College Football Superfans Week 3
College Football Superfans Week 2
College Football Superfans Week 1
College Bowl Game Cheerleaders 2014
Celebs at College Football Games
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