Magic Johnson statue at Michigan State vandalized

The graffiti war between Michigan and Michigan State is escalating rapidly, with the school’s statue of Magic Johnson as the latest victim.
Magic Johnson statue at Michigan State vandalized
Magic Johnson statue at Michigan State vandalized /

The graffiti war between Michigan and Michigan State is escalating rapidly, with the school’s statue of Magic Johnson as the latest victim.

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The statue has a maize “M” painted on its chest and “BEAT STATE” written on its pedestal, in addition to its face and feet being sprayed with the color of Michigan State’s arch-rivals colors.

Last year, Michigan State fans headed to Ann Arbor and colored the school’s block M landmark green, and earlier this year Wolverines supporters retaliated by defacing the Spartan statue outside the MSU’s football stadium.

The schools will settle the score on the field soon, with the seventh-ranked Spartans visiting the No. 12 Wolverines on Saturday.


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