Wednesday's P.M. Hot Clicks: Odette Annable; Cubs, Jays on the Ropes

Mustard Minute Selfie Interview
With the New York Mets likely on the verge of making the World Series, Extra Mustard’s Tiffany Oshinsky spoke with comedian and Mets superfan Jim Breuer for another Mustard Minute selfie interview. Breuer says the Cubs aren’t cursed, and shows us exactly how Scott Boras is the devil on Matt Harvey’s shoulder.
Elimination Wednesday
Both the Cubs and Blue Jays face elimination in MLB's championship series tonight. Here’s a preview of Game 5 in the ALCS and Game 4 in the NLCS. On the hottest team in the American League, Albert Chen wrote about the Royals’ surprise hero in Game 4. Meanwhile, Tom Verducci says Kansas City is the anti-Moneyball team.
A Guide to Bribing College Athletes
You may have heard of allegations against Louisville’s basketball program for enticing recruits with prostitutes. Extra Mustard is here to help, seriously.We came up with a list of what colleges can give students if they really want to bribe their way to a commitment.
Lovely Lady of the Day
Today’s Lovely Lady of the Day is Odette Annable, per a request from Rick in Maryland. (Click here for her full-size gallery.)
Chris Rock BACK
Legendary comedian Chris Rockwill host the Oscars for a second time in 2016. When he last hosted, in 2005, Rock ethered Jude Law, George Bush and the Iraq war. Here’s a great clip of Rock discussing his hosting duties with David Letterman. And here’s a gallery of Chris Rock attending sporting events.
Biden Out
Vice President Joe Biden wants no part of the 2016 presidential election. Can you blame him? Those people are crazy. We dug deep into the vault to give you Biden’s thoughts on Deflategate and his love for Aaron Rodgers.
Put This in a Museum
Today Was a Good Day
SMH, Thought This Was America
#Dolphins just began practice with some type of rugby scrum. Players seemed to really enjoy it
— Greg Likens (@GregLikens) October 21, 2015
Odds And Ends
Here is what is leaving Netflix in November ... If history means anything at all, Donald Trump may have cost himself the Republican bid ... Dusty Baker smoked a joint with Jimi Hendrix ... World’s No. 1 Tofu fan and my life coach Ben Golliverranked every NBA team by entertainment value ... Jay-Z will not be sued for “Big Pimpin” ... Can you afford Drake’s coat from the “Hotline Bling” video? ... ESPN is basically a website for fantasy football news and nothing else ... Here’s what you get when you blend all of Leonardo DiCaprio’s Girlfriends’ faces together ... Do you agree these are the top 100 horror movies of all time? ... How Carlton Fisk’s home run altered baseball and TV ... Every injury from NFL Week 6 separated by body part ... The 2015 Cheerleader of the week archives ... Watch Daniel Fells’s kids welcome him home from the hospital.
The Mets are one game from the World Series and The Northwest, an official MLB partner, is giving away five New York Mets neck pillows, so fans can show their fandom on the road, train, plane, bus, and everywhere in between. Be sure to purchase yours today. In the meantime, Hot Clicks dungeon master Andy Gray will send a neck pillow to the 40th, 80th, 120th, 160th and 200th person to email him ( the NFL team with a donut club. The answer was in AM Clicks. Please make the subject line “The Northwest."
Still Incredible
I Can't Stop Watching These Videos
If these Clicks Could Talk
They would tell you Kendrick is the man. Goodnight, y'all.
Click here for previous versions of Hot Clicks, and visit our Extra Mustard Page throughout each day for more offbeat sports stories and the latest Cheerleader of the Week gallery. Also check out the SwimDaily Page for the latest updates and Instagram pictures of models who have appeared in our issues.