Jim Harbaugh’s intensity extends to trick-or-treating strategy

Jim Harbaugh does everything at 110%, from coaching football to loving Judge Judy, so it is no surprise that a man who goes to baseball games to increase his foul ball collection has a gameplan to maximize trick-or-treating efficiency.
The first-year Michigan coach revealed in an interview with WXYZ-Detroit a few of the candy-collecting secrets he has passed on to his children so they can fully realize their potential on All Hallows Eve
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"I try to advise them to get two costumes,” said Harbaugh. “To be go-getters. You can hit the neighborhood in one costume, and better to jog or run from house-to-house, and get more candy than anyone else. And then come home, make a quick change into another costume, and go hit those same houses again."
This is a good idea, and will definitely increase the amount of candy each child gets, it is also a crazy piece of advice that values results over actually enjoying Halloween. What else can you expect from a man who attacks each day with an “enthusiasm unknown to mankind.”
Also, the best way to maximize your bounty on Halloween is to ditch the dead weight and go solo. People give way more candy to individual trick-or-treaters. You are welcome, kids.